Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for July 13, 2015
Marigold: Do you notice anything different about me? Phoebe: New mane style? Marigold: No! Phoebe: Hoof polish? Marigold: No! Phoebe: Extra sparkles? Marigold: No! Phoebe: Horn wax? Marigold: No! Phoebe: Tooth whitening? Marigold: No! Phoebe: So what's different? Marigold: I have become 15% more frustrating.
Templo S.U.D. over 9 years ago
Oh, is that all?
kaykeyser over 9 years ago
No exactly as Memeish as 20% cooler
fredd13 over 9 years ago
Such precision. But then – unicorn…
ShadowBeast Premium Member over 9 years ago
To her usual self of course.
DDrazen over 9 years ago
Mission Accomplished.
tirnaaisling over 9 years ago
That’s 3% per “no”… I can do math ;-)
Neo Stryder over 9 years ago
Wow, she accomplished the impossible.
Ermine Notyours over 9 years ago
Other mythical creatures can be 20% cooler, so Marigold has to take a stand where she can.
Stellagal over 9 years ago
Or what else, such as being 15% more frustrating that trying to open a child-proof bottle of asprins.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 9 years ago
Is that because you are a Unicorn, or because you are female?
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 9 years ago
@DanaSomething new at Noetrilsketches, please.Please?
PoodleGroomer over 9 years ago
I want to see the quantifying values and metrics of the rating matrix. Abstract qualities can be so abstract.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 9 years ago
Oh boy.
strangeanimal over 9 years ago
I can beat 15%! I mean that’s pretty easy going.
Marscaleb over 9 years ago
I gotta admit, this one made me smile!
Kark_The_Red_Canadian_Dragon 6 months ago
That’s a big difference than 15% more awesome! I’m thinking that catch phrase is trademarked, so it can’t be used here… :P
I can believe that Mari has become 15% more frustrating… to others…
Are2Dee2 2 months ago
Well, certainly, she should have been able to see that right off.