I thought this would be about Jeri needing glasses, and all the emotional trauma that would go with that. But, it would be good for a teacher to point out to a parent or somebody in authority, when it appears that a student can’t see (or hear, or have some other otherwise unnoticed problem). I was a good student and got good grades, but I realized later that I could have done better if I had had better vision then. The thing is, a kid with bad vision might not know that he or she can’t see well (I certainly didn’t). I remember schools testing kids for eyesight in elementary school, but that didn’t continue into the higher grades. In my case, I don’t think my vision started going bad until I was about 13 or so, and it happened slowly so I didn’t really notice.
blunebottle over 4 years ago
This must be current. Remote schooling.
dwane.scoty1 over 4 years ago
Remote schooling: Jeri still putting on her make-up!
DDrazen over 4 years ago
Nice way to edge into the issue there.
Snowedin over 4 years ago
This strip has already ended. These are all reruns.
1JennyJenkins over 4 years ago
FYI: this one is from 2006, June 12.
It shows the more things change, the more they stay the same…it could apply to today’s school situation too…
WF11 over 4 years ago
I thought this would be about Jeri needing glasses, and all the emotional trauma that would go with that. But, it would be good for a teacher to point out to a parent or somebody in authority, when it appears that a student can’t see (or hear, or have some other otherwise unnoticed problem). I was a good student and got good grades, but I realized later that I could have done better if I had had better vision then. The thing is, a kid with bad vision might not know that he or she can’t see well (I certainly didn’t). I remember schools testing kids for eyesight in elementary school, but that didn’t continue into the higher grades. In my case, I don’t think my vision started going bad until I was about 13 or so, and it happened slowly so I didn’t really notice.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 4 years ago
The punch line was that Jeri ignores the green board.