FoxTrot by Bill Amend for September 20, 2015
Teacher: Class, this experiment has the potential to be somewhat dangerous, so I want to stress the importance of using the fume hood for steps 4, 7 and 16. And if at any time you should detect the smell of ammonia, rotten eggs, or sewage, please step away from the chemicals and let me know ASAP. Morton: (sniff sniff) what about a foul body-odor-like smell? Teacher: That you'd have to discuss with your lab partner. Peter: I forgot to put on deodorant today! I'm sorry! Student: Uggh! Dude! Lower your arms!
Rob Rex over 9 years ago
I feel sorry for those people that smell body odor. It sounds terrible.
Quantum Leaper over 9 years ago
I still remember when a friend in Chemistry class put holes in the ceiling and his shirt, the best part he was a Fireman and he worked at putting of chemical based fires.
nosirrom over 9 years ago
But don’t tofu scramblers consider the smell of chicken to be fowl?
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 9 years ago
In college the lab always smelled like rotten eggs. The prof used to rant and rant.
foxtrotdevotee over 9 years ago
if your body odor is wht u eat then pete’s mom should be outlawed
arye uygur over 9 years ago
It’s often the clothes one wears and not the body that brings on BO.
linsonl over 9 years ago
Sure helps you win arguments.
Templo S.U.D. over 9 years ago
How can Peter forget deodorant? He’s always wearing that hoodie!
Poollady1 over 9 years ago
Quiet! Do you smell that?
Jogger2 over 9 years ago
I didn’t know Morton and Peter were in the same year of high school. I thought he was in Paige’s class.
Doctor11 over 9 years ago
Peter! Go to the locker room and put on deodorant right now!
JohhnyB over 9 years ago
Cobra baby.
JohhnyB over 9 years ago
Four. Two. Seven.
callak almost 9 years ago
Your body odour is what you eat and your body doesn’t have the enzymes to process efficiently, along with whatever bacterial composition you’ve got living where you sweat. If you did not have that bacteria on your skin, you wouldn’t smell like anything.
(insert name here) over 6 years ago
what? sulfer water?
phoenixnyc over 3 years ago
See, this is something I don’t get. In some strips, Morton’s in classes with Paige, and in others, he’s in classes with Peter.