A clerk in a store caught the notice of his boss due to his ability to think on his feet to make customers happy. The boss called the clerk into his office and offered him a promotion.
“I want to make you the manager of our store in Berlin, NH.”
The clerk scoffed, “Berlin? All that come out of Berlin are whores and hockey players!”
The boss bristled, “My WIFE comes from Berlin!”
“Oh, really?” the clerk said without pause, “What team does she play on?”
The old hockey goalie that comes to mind to me was Gump Worsley, who I believe was the last goalie to play without a a mask. Anyone care to stop a hockey puck with their face?
I can’t find it at the moment but there’s an old “Mad” magazine poem about a goalie constantly taking head high shots, with an appropriately bizarre illustration. It ends with “He knows that for a first-year man, he doesn’t look too bad!”
Years ago, early ’60s??, the magazine in the Sunday Chicago Tribune did a pictorial on hockey player repairs. The guys they featured could have gone straight to a “Frankenstein” shoot. Did its job, though. The only problem the young guys these days appear to have, judging from their “beards,” is that they all suffer from mange.
Professional hockey aside, for many Minnesotans (and hopefully many US citizens), the most significant event in ice hockey history occurred on Feb 22, 1980…To this day it is still regarded as The Miracle on Ice.
I have been to Santa Rosa..I have been to Schulz Redwood Empire Ice Ring Museum..in front of the place are Olympic medalist hand prints(Dorothy Hamil..etc)..If you’re in California sometime I recommend you see this
knight1192a over 9 years ago
Not so fat, Linus. Better check to make sure he didn’t black out some teeth with dry erase markers.
Templo S.U.D. over 9 years ago
Got any proof, Snoopster, that you’re also actually a WWI flying ace?
charliefarmrhere over 9 years ago
Not so “fat”?
Robert Nowall Premium Member over 9 years ago
A good dentist could fix that.
Darryl Heine over 9 years ago
What! Me Worry?
Moe Mentum over 9 years ago
Really? a few broken teeth!
Wren Fahel over 9 years ago
A clerk in a store caught the notice of his boss due to his ability to think on his feet to make customers happy. The boss called the clerk into his office and offered him a promotion.
“I want to make you the manager of our store in Berlin, NH.”
The clerk scoffed, “Berlin? All that come out of Berlin are whores and hockey players!”
The boss bristled, “My WIFE comes from Berlin!”
“Oh, really?” the clerk said without pause, “What team does she play on?”
Robert Wilson Premium Member over 9 years ago
If you have never seen a picture of an old school hockey goalie, and are not squeamish, do a Google image search for Terry Sawchuck.
Carl R over 9 years ago
The old hockey goalie that comes to mind to me was Gump Worsley, who I believe was the last goalie to play without a a mask. Anyone care to stop a hockey puck with their face?
Godfreydaniel over 9 years ago
I can’t find it at the moment but there’s an old “Mad” magazine poem about a goalie constantly taking head high shots, with an appropriately bizarre illustration. It ends with “He knows that for a first-year man, he doesn’t look too bad!”
summerdog86 over 9 years ago
Do hockey players still sport missing teeth? Or is that a thing of the past with more facial protection when playing, that they have now?
jrankin1959 over 9 years ago
From “The MAD Hockey Primer:” “See the funny man’s mouth. Ha, ha, ha. What a busy Tooth Fairy he must have…”
Number Three over 9 years ago
Snoopy’s teeth look jazzy!
dogday Premium Member over 9 years ago
Years ago, early ’60s??, the magazine in the Sunday Chicago Tribune did a pictorial on hockey player repairs. The guys they featured could have gone straight to a “Frankenstein” shoot. Did its job, though. The only problem the young guys these days appear to have, judging from their “beards,” is that they all suffer from mange.
neverenoughgold over 9 years ago
Professional hockey aside, for many Minnesotans (and hopefully many US citizens), the most significant event in ice hockey history occurred on Feb 22, 1980…To this day it is still regarded as The Miracle on Ice.
boldyuma over 9 years ago
I have been to Santa Rosa..I have been to Schulz Redwood Empire Ice Ring Museum..in front of the place are Olympic medalist hand prints(Dorothy Hamil..etc)..If you’re in California sometime I recommend you see this
gammaguy over 9 years ago
Unless the commenter was Danish.
Pets of the comics almost 4 years ago
That’s a puck in the teeth. “buh dun duh”