Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for September 28, 2015
Lupin: CN news investigative report: Why do open books make the best cat beds? Puck: Lupin, since the introduction of the printing press, cats the world over have taken great comfort in curling up with a good book. Puck: Literally. Elvis: A cat can command immediate attention just by lying down. Man: Elvis, think you could move, buddy? SCRITCH SCRITCH Elvis: Nope. PURR PURR Lupin: Paper is an excellent conductor of heat. A book in a sun spot... Lupin: Becomes the sweet spot. Man: ELVIS!! Elvis: THAT WAS 6 SCRITCHES. I WOULD HAVE PREFERRED 5. Puck: I enjoy the challenge of a tiny book.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 9 years ago
I’ve gotten the “one scritch too many” claw of doom,It’s always such a surprise!
Observer fo Irony about 9 years ago
I only get scratched when my other female realizes that I was using my hand instead of my foot; that or she remembered I was a male because she hates males.
Space_cat about 9 years ago
Our cats are more modern, they prefer to stand or sit on our phones and remotes.
Coyoty Premium Member about 9 years ago
Cats have been upgrading to keyboards.
wordymom about 9 years ago
We don’t get a newspaper, but our cats do sit on books as well as the computer keyboards. Recently we received a promotional copy of the weekly paper, and I thought I’d spread it out and take a look. Immediately the cats came and sat on it. They’d never seen a newspaper before, but somehow they just knew! It’s an instinct.
Cilliers about 9 years ago
Cute and true, by and large: Paper (being wood, really) is a good insulator, that’s why cats like it so much in the cold! But no respectable news outlet ever gets the science right, anyway!
She Mc about 9 years ago
This is a lovely start to a mundane Monday!
SallyLin about 9 years ago
That Puck is such a doll!
rikkiTikki Premium Member about 9 years ago
Love Lupins doofy fangs.
CoffeeLvr about 9 years ago
Panel 3! Good one, Puck. Or is it literature-ly? Or Literately?
dragonliz about 9 years ago
Puck’s face in the last panel is perfect.
More_Cats_Than_Sense about 9 years ago
Cats have been doing this since the 14th century
poppet bear about 9 years ago
Ah yes, many a fond memory of my old boys squabbling over who got “help” me read. Figaro’s favourite was actually “assisting” with the giant crosswords in the newspaper on the kitchen table :)
deadheadzan about 9 years ago
It’s universal, put a paper down for just a few seconds, and the cats immediately lie down on it! I love Lupin’s cute fangs as he lies on “the sweet spot”.
pekenpug about 9 years ago
OMG Elvis is channeling my old cat Fluff Cat! FC could count to five, and one over meant band-aids.
up2trixx about 9 years ago
Elvis’ facial expression in panel four is topped only by Lupin’s in panel 7…
whisplicka Premium Member about 9 years ago
One of my cats likes to burrow under the paper, then run all over the house, shedding pages as she goes…woe be to whomever hasn’t read the paper yet. That one gets to pick it all up, sort it into order, or hunt for the various articles…quite a job with a couple of sections..and funny to watch. She always looks at the mess and acts “surprised”.
ritapiobaire about 9 years ago
I don’t think I’ve ever seen Elvis look so happy. Until he’s over scritched enough of course. My cat always wanted to be between me and the book when I read in bed.
boomyoboom about 9 years ago
i have no idea why i’m reading this— i hate cats q :
SunflowerGirl100 about 9 years ago
Hey Everyone, The Shelter Cats is now up over at the BCN website. Warning: Do not look at it if you’re anywhere you don’t want to be seen with tears in your eyes.
Georgia Dunn creator about 9 years ago
I goofed on today’s strip, I’m so sorry everyone! Typically at the end of the month I send in all the strips for the next month—and somehow last night I went to bed with that, “…There was something I was supposed to do…” feeling. Shot up in bed this morning with a gasp. I just sent today’s strip in, but it may not be posted until tomorrow. Yay for Friday strip? Nervous laughter…. I’m sorry.
The kicker: IT’S THE 100TH BREAKING CAT NEWS STRIP!!! Nooooooo, how did I do this?? Well… At least we’ll all never forget that time Georgia spaced on sending the 100th Breaking Cat News strip to the good folks at GoComics? MORE NERVOUS LAUGHTER, I’M SORRY.
bermudamel about 9 years ago
Everyone please go visit and see the special report that went up yesterday 9/30/15 and keep tissues handy! It was a very moving strip!!!!
roberta.forbes.pyle over 8 years ago
Jingle Belle Katt will join me at the table to read the morning paper. At least, she sits on the sections I’m not reading to make sure they don’t escape…
HerokidPlayz almost 7 years ago
look at puck’s big smile! this makes me kind of want a third cat… as if two aren’t enough already.
kwblazek-16 about 3 years ago