Ok, this is getting more than a bit silly. We have a shut-off valve right at our gas stove. When we need to cut off the gas, we just turn the valve to off. I guess this angle makes a better story, though. He couldn’t have worked on that stove without turning off the gas, though…that could have caused a REAL explosion!
I was taught to always check the gas fittings by “painting” them with a mixture of detergent and water. If you saw bubbles forming, it wasn’t a good seal.
Back in 1985 I easily replaced a cracked line from the source to the stove by turning off the gas at the meter and replacing it, without the advice from the gas company and without the advice of that arrogant salesman. I seem to remember him from a comedy program long, long ago like Jack Benny.
charliefarmrhere over 9 years ago
So who shut the gas off when he was trying to repair the old stove? Wasn’t it him?
flowerladytoo over 9 years ago
Ok, this is getting more than a bit silly. We have a shut-off valve right at our gas stove. When we need to cut off the gas, we just turn the valve to off. I guess this angle makes a better story, though. He couldn’t have worked on that stove without turning off the gas, though…that could have caused a REAL explosion!
Darryl Heine over 9 years ago
But where is the bookie seen in this past Sunday’s Gasoline Alley strip?
mario35@embarqmail.com over 9 years ago
Its a comic strip folks.
battle of plattsburgh over 9 years ago
If only Joel and Rufus were here, they would know what to do.
jrankin1959 over 9 years ago
I do believe he’s onto the scam…
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 9 years ago
What a maroon, any man that cannot install and remove a clothes dryer is worthless.
I Go Pogo over 9 years ago
I was taught to always check the gas fittings by “painting” them with a mixture of detergent and water. If you saw bubbles forming, it wasn’t a good seal.
I Go Pogo over 9 years ago
Elsewhere in today’s gocomics you’’ll find early non-GA panels by Frank King. Visit: http://www.gocomics.com/comic/explore/835374/24
JanLC over 9 years ago
Check out today’s Comics Curmudgeon for a true story that mirrors this strip uncannily. (He’s worth checking out every day.)joshreads dot com
Honorable Mention In The Banjo Toss Premium Member over 9 years ago
Utility hook-ups – “We’ll be there sometime between 9:00 AM and election day.”
Herb Thiel Premium Member over 9 years ago
All tyhis talk about the gas man made me think of this:
The Gas Man Cometh by Flanders and Swan
jaytom over 9 years ago
Back in 1985 I easily replaced a cracked line from the source to the stove by turning off the gas at the meter and replacing it, without the advice from the gas company and without the advice of that arrogant salesman. I seem to remember him from a comedy program long, long ago like Jack Benny.