Super-Fun-Pak Comix by Ruben Bolling for September 18, 2015

  1. Tumblr m8cvuqinuu1r0mvk8o9 250
    jimmjonzz Premium Member over 9 years ago

    This tale of Cory Corrison calls to mind the old line about the original version of how Daredevil gained his powers. “If Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider and became Spider-Man, why didn’t Matt Murdock (hit by a radioactive truck) become Truck-Man?” Notice also the nearly universal alliterative initials that Stan Lee gave to the civilian identities of his earliest superfolk. But what are the letters on Cory’s shirt? What do they stand for?

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  2. Wcfields
    Funny_Ha_Ha  over 9 years ago

    virtually obnoxious man

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  3. Groucho
    dougsathome  over 9 years ago

    How rude of that thief to be so impatient!

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  4. Oscar wilde
    maybeinthenextworld  over 9 years ago

    I was had an organism all over my stepmom’s pillow.

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  5. Zingwa
    lunchmas  over 9 years ago

    Ryan Seacrest has been trying to keep the fact that he’s radioactive secret and Ruben goes and outs him.

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    gammaguy  over 9 years ago

    “V-O-M”?.And I thought it was “MOM”, just not showing the bottom part of the first “M”.

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  7. Missing large
    gammaguy  over 9 years ago

    This idea that “radioactivity” somehow confers super powers on a person is not only passé, but it’s scientifically false. We’ve known now for decades that the only thing that really works is steroids. (And that’s why you don’t see these young superheros trying out for the Olympics. They’d be unmasked.)

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