Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for December 03, 2015
Enjoy this Classic Tom the Dancing Bug Every Thursday Vintage 1992 Panels from the annals of the Tom the Dancing Bug archive Check back every Friday for a fresh, brand new Tom the Dancing Bug! Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling The Supreme Court may not have overruled ROE v. WADE, but it did allow certain "obstacles" to the access to abortions, as long as they aren't "substantial obstacles." Some states will undoubtedly test the limits of this rule and set up... The "Unsubstantial" Obstacle Course Start The first part is a lengthy waiting period. It's not too challenging, but be sure to bring your credit cards! The "Change Your Mind Yet?" Hotel Next is the grueling 3-hour filmstrip designed to convince the woman not to have the procedure. Voice: Hi! My name is Elliot The Embryo, and I'm INSIDE you! BEEP Then comes the notification desk, where you must inform all family members, co-workers and grammar school teachers of your impending abortion. Woman: Hello, Mrs. Snyder? Just to keep things interesting, American Gladiators "Blaze" and "Diamond" pelt you with large spheres. Finally, you must engage in a televised debate with William F. Buckley about the rights of the unborn. TV William: Hmm... Woman: Well, er...wouldn't, um...the point of viability be, you know... Finish Woman: pant pant, MADE IT! Doctor: Don't complain! You should see the track for teen-agers!
Cozmik Cowboy over 9 years ago
You forgot the domestic terrorists shooting at her.
Linguist over 9 years ago
23 years later and nothing has changed – in fact, it is even more difficult for women wishing to take control of their own lives and bodies !
Linguist over 9 years ago
Did you ever notice that the most vocal, virulent, and violent, protester, against a woman’s right to choose, are men ?
wumpus Premium Member over 9 years ago
The debate with Bill Buckley is particularly interesting these days: Unborn vs. Undead!
davids.comments over 9 years ago
What’s that? You want low cost, effective birth control? (You shameless hussy!) .Here’s a pamphlet on abstinence. Of course, if you are married, then you should just practice the rhythm method.
ROLtheWolf about 9 years ago
Reuben forgot the trans-vaginal ultra-sound raping a woman needs to do…