The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for October 01, 2015

  1. 16873788307 800b4ae7a8 b
    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 9 years ago

    There isn’t a plumber withing 100 miles of Crustwood who would “fix” the Penny’s toilets.the snacks consist of who-knows-how-old crackers from the dollar dump and cheese with most of the mold scraped off.

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  2. Dsc03321  2
    mikie2  over 9 years ago

    Even if were Gregor Samsa I wouldn’t go near their toilets.Thanks everyone for all the birthday wishes. I enjoyed the low-calorie cake a lot! I was singing “76 Trombones” as a kind of theme song until I realized that the next phrase was “110 cornets.” That got my attention right off.

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  3. Img 4741
    Ninette  over 9 years ago

    When an outfit tells me they will be at my home sometime between noon and four, for example, I tell them: so will I.

    Other than touching base sometime between noon and four I go about my day like any other day. If we fail to connect they call and offer a more precise appointment.

    If anyone wants what I earned they better be prepared to work as hard to get it as I had to.

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  4. Front sword at ready
    shamest Premium Member over 9 years ago

    @theneedle like your style

    I have had with service people who waste my time and maybe show.

    lately I have had prompt service calls from a plumber he was good quick and effiecient

    I also switched from dish to comcast comcast triple play saved me money and allowed me to drop verizon as well.

    I also had a issue with dish from the start their tech showed up the first time late to say he ran out of time. Did not matter I was taking off work for him, second time he was a no show. Third time he got the job done but was smoking pot in my attic.

    comcast on the other hand called to see if he could come a hour earlier as his prior job was done. was twice as fast and more professional

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  5. Grandpa hef
    Jeff0811  over 9 years ago

    Is it just me, or is there an implied activity in the term “Diddle-Daddle”. For example, “I diddle-daddled my girlfriend last night.” (Better than being all crabby about it).

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  6. Hobo
    MeGoNow Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Of course they’re relaxed. There’s no urgency about getting the plumbers there. With the sort of stuff the Penny’s eat, their bowels move about as swiftly as those tugs that take months to move a giant oil platform from Texas to the North Sea. There’s a chili cheese dog from the 2013 State Fair that’s still en route. So they go very seldom, generally around the ides of the “R” months. They were late for September, hence the need for professional assistance. Their plumbers are probably still in the command center working out a plan with their counterparts in the Crustwood Wastewater Department. (Where they’ve seen things no man should have to see.) Only a coordinated attack can prevent complete system overload. And it can’t happen today. After contemplating what they will face, they are all headed out to get schnozzled. .Well, that’s one thing, but one might well wonder how Joy, who is rarely seen without a cup in her hand, manages her necessarily frequent liquid needs. Not a problem, since she discovered Depends. Saves her ever so many occasions of having to arise from her recliner to waddle down the hall, not to mention the effort entailed in standing back up when she’s done. Like her bra, she rinses them out and hangs them on the shower curtain rod to dry. Burl has no such problems. He read once that it was overly precious to insist on stepping out of the shower to pee. Burl takes baths, but he figures it’s the same thing.

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  7. Little b
    Dani Rice  over 9 years ago

    Service companies can’t give precise times because they never know what they’re going to hit when they arrive at a call. What seems to be a simple job often turns into a nightmare, and they can’t walk off and leave the job half-done because they have to be at your house by a certain time.

    We had to have a second phone line installed several years ago, which should have been a simple matter of running a cable from the street to the house. Turned out the folks who installed our siding had put it over the wires instead of running it behind them, so the installer had to find the connection without doing any more damage than necessary to the house. Add a sudden bad storm and high wind, and the poor fellow was here all day. He realized that early on and was able to call Ma Bell and have them reschedule all the rest of his customers for tomorrow.

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  8. Missing large
    imnormal  over 9 years ago

    I can’t imagine being a service contractor called to clean out their sewers. Can you imagine the situation when they schedule their colonoscopy? Evacuate the neighborhood and the sewer plant would shut down. .Can you imagine being the Doctor doing the colonoscopy, first time he ever had to tape a flashlight to the colonoscope so he could see into the caverns and recesses of the underworld.

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  9. Intraining
    InTraining Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Well know we know who stole the Smith’s garbage can…..! ! !

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