The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for October 09, 2015

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 9 years ago

    When was the last time we had a new comic?

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    mikie2  over 9 years ago

    Yes, this is an oldie, but then so am I.Burl’s childishness brings back bitter memories of raising children. I can’t tell how many times we heard something like “Well, you let her do it!” or “He doesn’t clean up the …” And Joy’s attempt to make their immaturity someone else’s fault. I am so glad those days are over!!Has anyone else noticed the size of the woman going out the door? And the size of her basket?

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    Loves life  over 9 years ago

    I think stores ought to have a “restock” fee of $20.00 for people like that. Put a camera on every cart and charge for the items they leave (double for cold /frozen items) on different shelves. I’ve seen milk, meat and produce all over the place. No sense in it other than LAZY people. Also charge them for the fruit and other snacks they allow their children to eat while shopping..

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  4. Freedom
    bookworm0812  over 9 years ago

    That always annoyed me, too.

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    MissScarlet Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Mad Cow Chocolates! Maybe she didn’t want to be milked?

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    Dani Rice  over 9 years ago

    If it’s cold, at least stick it in a refrigerated case, not on a shelf with the canned goods. What drives me up a wall is folks who wait at the deli counter for their number to be called, get something sliced, weighed and wrapped, and THEN dump it by the corn chips. This sort of crap is what drives up food costs for all of us.

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    MeGoNow Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Hoo, boy. Bran pellets and Scott Tissue. It’s going to be a lively weekend at Penny Manor. .And what got into Burl. putting back pork chops? Perhaps the Shemp’s are coming over for dinner, and he doesn’t want to have the good stuff there when “pork trimmings” can be had for 99-cents a pound. .I see the sweaters have come out, now that fall has come to Crustwood. Burl must have cleaned out a racing enthusiast’s abandoned storage unit. I mean, the contents will be auctioned as a lot, so it’s not like he was stealing anything that had any individual value. The cat pee smell will dissipate pretty soon, so it would be a waste to spoil a good freebee with a cleaning bill.

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    orbenjawell Premium Member over 9 years ago

    You. Like. Us. YOU! LIKE!! US!!! Admit it.

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    patlaborvi  over 9 years ago

    I use to work in the furniture department of a super market and I still remember the times I’d find cold/frozen items stuck away in furniture displays. Some people aren’t just lazy, they do it intintionally so that people can’t find the things they leave behind.

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    Raider Red Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Julie, what happened to the “find-its?” Been over a week now and I got the DT’s (Dinette Set tremens . . . .)

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