The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for October 15, 2015

  1. Cat29
    x_Tech  over 9 years ago

    Ma’am, the Senior Sizes drinks are either Beer or Wine. We can’t give the kid those. Now what would he like to drink and how many adult size meals would you like with those Senior drinks?

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  2. Purrfectgivts avatar001
    Laura Gildwarg  over 9 years ago

    Please tell me that isn’t Timmy! Oh dear heavens, he can’t have got that fat in such a short amount of time! Oh NOOOO!

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  3. Dsc03321  2
    mikie2  over 9 years ago

    OK, here’s the deal. With the “Super Sizing” of portions continuing unabated, sometimes the only way it is possible to get a smaller order for a lighter dinner is to order from the kid’s menu. Or order one adult and split it.I hate to have to acknowledge it, but many times I can only eat half a regular hamburger and only a very few fries—and I like to eat! I just don’t need that many calories any longer and I don’t like feeling like a knockwurst if I do.Many restaurants will split an entrée but I’m not so sure about fast food places.

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  4. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 9 years ago

    I dunno what the heck is going on here….

    I know Julie re-uses panels….but it looks like the bottom right corner of this one has been erased and redrawn or re-pasted so much it’s jumbled.

    You can see where the Universal copyright notice is pasted over something else….

    Timmy does look kind of fat…. but that might because his head is pasted on what might have been someone else… his legs are half obliterated, and could even have been a chair or ???

    Same with Burl…there’s some erased space and the edges of someone or something else all around his head, and a huge hairy arm that doesn’t look like it’s his own…and actually, what looks like it might have previously been a woman’s upper body.

    Click on this if you want to see it even more magnified.

    Almost spooky!

    And Mikie, I find that too…I’m a big eater, or was… but I have to remember not to cook or order for 2005 me,

    But no…. fast food places probably won’t split your “entree.”You don’t usually get a plate anyway, so what’s to split?

    Just grab a plastic knife and cut the burger in half…. and if it’s a place that still gives you a “clamshell” container, tear it along the fold and make two plates.

    Aaah…. dining elegance….

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  5. Img 1187
    Loves life  over 9 years ago

    I’m baffled here.1 WHO gets the 5th meal? 2 Why is Burl so dirty? He doesn’t work.3 Does Timmy really need that so called food?I see why Ma is paying for the meals so they are going to be kids meals. I bet Joy and Burl pig out when they get home so they won’t starve to death..

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  6. Freedom
    bookworm0812  over 9 years ago

    What makes you think we’re feeding these little brats? Maybe two of us are going to eat two kids meals or one of us is eating three.

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  7. Hobo
    MeGoNow Premium Member over 9 years ago

    I think they’re up to the usual shenanigans here. A number of fast food joints offer free or deeply discounted senior drinks. So, not only are they trying to get by without paying for Timmy’s drink, they’re going for an extra. (Unless Dale is in the restroom destroying the plumbing.) .The counter guy likely has dealt with them before, and he knows what’s coming next. She will demand he discount the meals by the usual price for the drink that normally comes with it, since they’re getting senior drinks. I suspect that is the source of the fifth meal. It represents the bottom line savings represented by the value of the five regular drinks she doesn’t plan to pay for. (Burl had to bring home the adding machine from the U Store-It office to work all that out.) And God knows there’s no such thing as a leftover in this crowd, so there’s going to be a loose ball, so to speak, when they get their orders. .But if just contemplating the scene as they tear into their kid meals, each vying to get it down first, so they can claim the extra meal, (think Natural Geographic film of lions tearing up a zebra) doesn’t give you your full daily recommended allowance of disgust, contemplate this……….Marlene’s purse. Victoria’s Secret. Now, picture all the other conjunctions of Marlene and Victoria’s Secret products. How’s that do ya?.(I’ll just take care of your Happy Meal for you. You won’t be wanting it any more, now will ya?)

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  8. Simply4
    MissScarlet Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Most fast food places have unlimited drink refills anyway. My local McD used to limit kids’ meals because of the toy collection mania. You can’t make this stuff up!

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  9. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 9 years ago

    In regards to the “kids meal” I think they should be available to all (this is true for items on kids menus, too). Like Mikie2 stated, sizes are usually huge for a lot of restaurants. Now, mind you, if I was of a mind to, I could pretty much eat two or three of virtually any meal, regardless of how big. But, that is not something I choose to do any longer. Back when I DID eat anything remotely classified as food, I weighed pretty damn near 300 pounds. But, I did not like that. I now weigh ~175 and eat appropriate portions for me to keep a normal weight.I would like to be able to order off of a kids menu sometimes, just to get smaller portions, for even though I do have resolve and determination to eat a realistic portion….. when I order something and it comes to me as a huge portion, it is often times still a struggle to this day to not eat the whole damn thing. Instead of the meal being as relaxing as it could be, a part of me has to prepare to do the “internal battle” of reminding, cajoling, and harping on myself internally, to ONLY eat what is a realistic portion size of the item and either leave the rest behind (best choice for me) or doggie bag the rest (just sets up another battle for me with late-night “munchies”.

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  10. Koala
    orbenjawell Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Burl looks like he was just outside, rolling in something interesting……….

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  11. Intraining
    InTraining Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Hummm…looks like Marlene has an new exhaust pipe….. ! ! !

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  12. Bearfront
    paranormal  over 9 years ago

    The cashier looks like he might be Burl’s cousin.

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Plus look how dirty they all seem to be! Whatever it was that got them in that state whetted their appetites. Burl also seems to be sporting Jerry’s arm. Something terrible happened in Crustwood, poor Timmy is filthy and bloated! And Ma has one skinny leg and on horribly fat leg.Oh the horror!

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  14. Cookie close
    Saucy1121 Premium Member over 9 years ago

    In a lot of restaurants, I have dinner and then either lunch or dinner for the next day (doggie doesn’t get the contents of the doggie bag).

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  15. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Bullrider… um… yeah, that’s what I said… I’m sure it’s been pasted over and over…. and badly erased. Burl’s arm may even have been a chair back.But I don’t think it’s someone else…. GoComics would say so, in the side panel…and besides, Julie has admitted to re-using panels, and also to trying to keep the strip mostly set in the 90’s.

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