My mom and Sheila are changing all our party plans! They keep telling me about the food and the music decorations... I put my foot down and told them no dancing. Oh, good. And they laughed and laughed and laughed.
Ah, yes. Dancing. An ancient middle school ritual in which the boys and the girls are irresistably attracted to opposite sides of the room and held there until the music stops.
Gentlemen: This is an excellent reason to get the young boys in your lives to take ballet, or other dance classes. At least a few of them will find they enjoy it. And they will get to know a lot of girls. If they stick with it, when they become teenagers and girls get a LOT MORE INTERESTING, they will know a sizable number of girls on a friendly, first-name basis, all of whom will be in shape and pretty, and they will know how to move and dance gracefully and well. Girls love that in a boy.
I encouraged all of my grand-nephews to do this. Unsurprisingly, none of them took my advice. Now that they are teens, I frequently remind them of the good advice I offered when they were little kids, and they have to admit that I was right.
cabalonrye over 9 years ago
Steep learning curve.
MeGoNow Premium Member over 9 years ago
Ah, yes. Dancing. An ancient middle school ritual in which the boys and the girls are irresistably attracted to opposite sides of the room and held there until the music stops.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 9 years ago
Sorry Toby.
Seed_drill over 9 years ago
Someone needs to tell Toby what dancing leads to.
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly over 9 years ago
No matter what happens, just smile and nod!
Number Three over 9 years ago
Toby would die of embarrassment if his parents started dancing!
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 9 years ago
On the one hand, it’s a good thing if you can make girls laugh. On the other hand, there’s five fingers.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 9 years ago
Gentlemen: This is an excellent reason to get the young boys in your lives to take ballet, or other dance classes. At least a few of them will find they enjoy it. And they will get to know a lot of girls. If they stick with it, when they become teenagers and girls get a LOT MORE INTERESTING, they will know a sizable number of girls on a friendly, first-name basis, all of whom will be in shape and pretty, and they will know how to move and dance gracefully and well. Girls love that in a boy.
I encouraged all of my grand-nephews to do this. Unsurprisingly, none of them took my advice. Now that they are teens, I frequently remind them of the good advice I offered when they were little kids, and they have to admit that I was right.