Jerry’s uncomfortable silence only applies to you Verla. With all the other ladies he is quite the talker. Unfortunately he can’t talk them into anything.Joy is used to all the noises and assorted smells emanating from Burl. One reason she has candles burning in every room of the house. This month’s scent is “Burning Leaves”
……don’t moan too much, Verla: within Jer’s intestinal tract is likely a wealth of silent-but-deadlies coked, loaded and aimed to fill the more boring moments……..
Joy takes comfort in Burl’s belches. They are so much better than his other emanations. Burl’s diet, general lack of physical activity and, it must be admitted, a natural aptitude combine to allow him to develop gross bodily phenomena seldom seen in humans and in very few ruminants. He is particularly fond of cabbage, onions and beans, especially when seasoned with fatty bacon or salt pork and offered up by The Impacted Steer Buffet. And he rarely gets much fiber, so he has plenty of time to work up a good head of steam, as it were. He’s been known to leave skid marks on theater seats. He was passing a steel mill once when he let loose, and the whole shift took it for the whistle and went home early. The Penny’s can’t afford to replace their couch because of the hazardous waste fees they would incur from dumping the old one. Those who pay attention to how Burl is drawn may be moved to observe that he has little or no nose and may reflect that the military grade joke featured in the Monty Python sketch works here, too. .Did you know that the fuehrer’s little dog has no nose?.Really? How does he smell?.Terrible!..But it is true, the Penny’s can indeed say anything to each other. Of course, their conversations at home are largely confined to, “Are you going to eat that?”, “This thing’s stopped up again.”, and “What smells?”
I must say, as a hobby, the habit of commenting on The Dinette Set has much in common with another habit, one which Mark Twain characterized so eloquently:.“As an amusement, it is too fleeting;… as a public exhibition, there is no money in it. It is unsuited to the drawing room, and in the most cultured society it has long been banished from the social board. It has at last, in our day of progress and improvement, been degraded to brotherhood with flatulence.”
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 9 years ago
Jerry’s uncomfortable silence only applies to you Verla. With all the other ladies he is quite the talker. Unfortunately he can’t talk them into anything.Joy is used to all the noises and assorted smells emanating from Burl. One reason she has candles burning in every room of the house. This month’s scent is “Burning Leaves”
orbenjawell Premium Member over 9 years ago
……don’t moan too much, Verla: within Jer’s intestinal tract is likely a wealth of silent-but-deadlies coked, loaded and aimed to fill the more boring moments……..
Retired Dude over 9 years ago
Where Jerry’s concerned, silence may be golden.
echoraven over 9 years ago
“marital blister” – Nice!
MissScarlet Premium Member over 9 years ago
Burl and Joy gaze at each other lovingly. It’s a good thing they found each other.
MeGoNow Premium Member over 9 years ago
Joy takes comfort in Burl’s belches. They are so much better than his other emanations. Burl’s diet, general lack of physical activity and, it must be admitted, a natural aptitude combine to allow him to develop gross bodily phenomena seldom seen in humans and in very few ruminants. He is particularly fond of cabbage, onions and beans, especially when seasoned with fatty bacon or salt pork and offered up by The Impacted Steer Buffet. And he rarely gets much fiber, so he has plenty of time to work up a good head of steam, as it were. He’s been known to leave skid marks on theater seats. He was passing a steel mill once when he let loose, and the whole shift took it for the whistle and went home early. The Penny’s can’t afford to replace their couch because of the hazardous waste fees they would incur from dumping the old one. Those who pay attention to how Burl is drawn may be moved to observe that he has little or no nose and may reflect that the military grade joke featured in the Monty Python sketch works here, too. .Did you know that the fuehrer’s little dog has no nose?.Really? How does he smell?.Terrible!..But it is true, the Penny’s can indeed say anything to each other. Of course, their conversations at home are largely confined to, “Are you going to eat that?”, “This thing’s stopped up again.”, and “What smells?”
shamest Premium Member over 9 years ago
@MeGoNow If you ever want to start your own comics and can’t draw I would draw for you.
Spiny Norman Premium Member over 9 years ago
MeGoNow needs a damn hobby.
MeGoNow Premium Member over 9 years ago
I must say, as a hobby, the habit of commenting on The Dinette Set has much in common with another habit, one which Mark Twain characterized so eloquently:.“As an amusement, it is too fleeting;… as a public exhibition, there is no money in it. It is unsuited to the drawing room, and in the most cultured society it has long been banished from the social board. It has at last, in our day of progress and improvement, been degraded to brotherhood with flatulence.”
thorshamber over 9 years ago
no find-it again…sigh