Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for November 29, 2015

  1. Img 6884
    Rod Gonzalez  over 9 years ago

    Silly Phoebe, only unicorns can be measured in unicorns.

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    Katsuro Premium Member over 9 years ago

    More exactly, Florenceā€™s caluclations show that Marigold is 1.1111111ā€¦ unicorns tall.

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    nerdhoof  over 9 years ago

    By expressing Phoebeā€™s height in hands, is Marigold implying that Phoebe is a horse?

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  4. Galaxian
    sixam  over 9 years ago

    I think unicorns are measured in units of sparkles.

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Phoebe is short to Marigolds tall.

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Boobiehatch over on Sherpa

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    DarkNinja13  over 9 years ago

    Phoebe should know by now that Marigold is far too special to be measured with a mundane unit of measure like that.

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    I Quit  over 9 years ago

    Phoebe is exactly 1 Phoebe tall; to 19 decimal points. And furthermore, she will always be exactly 1 Phoebe tall.

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  9. Shetland sheepdog
    ellisaana Premium Member over 9 years ago

    A hand, a foot, a span, a finger,or a nail:Measuring by body parts has been used since at least ancient Egypt.

    The 4" hand for measuring the height of horses was standardized in England based on a Kingā€™s hand, (Henry VIIIā€™s)

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  10. John w kennedy 2010 square
    John W Kennedy Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Donā€™t forget the digit, the span, the cubit, and the fathom.

    The stone is exactly 14 pounds, 1/8 of an Imperial hundredweight, which is exactly 112 pounds, and 1/160 of an Imperial ton (also known as a long ton), which is exactly 2240 pounds. The stone is not used in the USA, and, in the UK, is now used only for weighing humans.

    ā€œA wonderful joy our eyes to bless,In her magnificent comeliness,Is an English girl of eleven stone two,And five foot ten in her dancing shoe!ā€

    (Eleven stone two is 11*14+2 pounds, or 156 pounds.)

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  11. Redfoxava
    reynard61  over 9 years ago

    Of course, ā€œhandsā€ can mean different things to different unicornsā€¦

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  12. Jem
    jerrica.benton333  over 1 year ago

    bottles and cans

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    alexzinuro  about 1 year ago

    10.8 hands implies 10 hands and 8 inches, which is 12 hands, or 4 feet. A hand, in reference to a horseā€™s height from its withers (a ridge between the shoulders) to the bottom of its hooves, is 4 inches, and when there is an extra 1 to 3 inches, these are included after a decimal point. A horse with a height of 16 hands is 5 feet 4 inches high at the withers.

    ā€¢16.1 hands: 5 feet 5 inches

    ā€¢16.2 hands: 5 feet 6 inches

    ā€¢16.3 hands: 5 feet 7 inches

    If Phoebe is 4 feet in overall height, then Marigold appears to be approximately this height at her withers, as well.

    However, itā€™s possible that for unicorns, a hand is 5 inches, and the decimal point works as it would in most situations, e.g. 10ā…˜ hands equals 54 inches or 4Ā½ feet (according to Incredible Comparisons [Ā©1996] by Russell Ash, this is the average height of a 10-year-old). This suggests that Marigold, too, is about 4Ā½ feet high at the shoulders, her horn is about 2 feet long, and her overall height, not counting her horn, is 6Ā¾ feet or 16.2 (unicorn) hands. Marigold therefore appears to be about 11 feet in overall length and 450 pounds in mass. From what sheā€™s saying, Florence is about 4 feet 1 inch high at the shoulders, 10 feet long overall, and 340 pounds in mass, with a 21ā…-inch horn. Phoebeā€™s head and neck appear to account for about ā…“ of her overall height, so this would make her about 7.2 unicorn hands tall.

    Marigold is presumably not an equid unicorn, for she has cloven hooves; horses have uncloven hooves. Instead, she must be a bovid unicorn, since bovids have horns and cloven hooves. Real-life bovids (cattle, goats, sheep, antelope, and goat-antelopes) have two horns, but of course, Marigold is a unicorn, so she has only one.

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