Frazz by Jef Mallett for November 03, 2015
4th PRECINCT PRINTER PAPER Girl: You'd think more people would come in to vote for president. Frazz: That's not up for grabs this year. Girl: Then what's to vote for? Frazz: Mostly the less-known locals who enact the stuff we blame on the president. Girl: I'll never understand government. Frazz: Then you're qualified to vote.
Bilan over 9 years ago
The local and state governments: the only bits of democracy we have here.
Boots at the Boar Premium Member over 9 years ago
It’s a layer cake: the feds are the sweet, sweet frosting. The state is the actual cake. The county are the bits of candied fruit in the cake. The city is that Maillard brown bit on the bottom you could do without. And everybody wants to get paid.
Brass Orchid Premium Member over 9 years ago
Voting in local elections is futile according to my best research, (asking a few people who only vote in national elections), because once we are able to overturn the Constitution, only the President will have any power anyway, the way it should have been from the beginning, under the benevolent King George. I may have extrapolated a bit.
Stew Bek Premium Member over 9 years ago
Yeah, it sure is tough doing the correct thing and taking time to vote. Kind of shows that Dem/Libs really are shiftless and want something for nothing. Don’t vote, better for America.
e.groves over 9 years ago
What if they had an election and nobody came?
toahero over 9 years ago
I advise you watch this, starting at 1:46
Stephen Gilberg over 9 years ago
Um, she’s not old enough to vote.
wellis1947 Premium Member over 9 years ago
What I’m reading here is there are a lot of people yearning for the ‘good old days’ under King George Iii. Ah, yes! The Monarchy! Life was so much better when you didn’t have to think – you just had to obey. Sigh.
FRITH RA over 9 years ago
Locally it’s school boards and what to do with too much tax money from legalized Marijuana. So yeah, it’s all about schools.
And the fun thing is that we’ve had a Tea Party School board here for the past couple of years and it’s amazing how even the stolid Tea Party supporters are saying that we should vote the bums out.
Varnes over 9 years ago
Rule of thumb, the smaller the government the more corruption, more scandals….State governments are still pretty bad….Governors go to jail all the time….Believe it or not, the Federal Government is the least corrupt….BTW, Our so called “Debt” isn’t caused by borrowed money….Most of it is from our selling of bonds…..In other words, it’s caused by people (including the Chinese), investing in our country….Of course they will get interest on their investment….That’s how investments work…
phoenixnyc over 9 years ago
“Every nation has the government it deserves.”—Joseph de Maistre
GoodGollieMizMollie over 9 years ago
I especially like your middle panel.
mid_life_crisis over 6 years ago
Regards running for president, Arthur C Clarke described a future society that had done away with that election. It was explained thus (heavily paraphrased by me), “we finally realized that it was a brutal, thankless job that no sane person would want unless they had an agenda of their own. So now we feed the qualifications of everyone who hasn’t had the job yet into a computer and let it pick the most qualified person. The ideal selectee is someone who has to be dragged kicking and screaming into the oval office and will then do the best job they possibly can in hopes of getting time off for good behavior.”