Endtown by Aaron Neathery for November 30, 2015

  1. Anarcho syndicalismvnnb   copy
    gigagrouch  over 9 years ago

    This can’t be good….

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  2. Wally avatar
    JanBic Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Bell tower flashbacks?

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  3. Bits2
    Diat60  over 9 years ago

    So, it is the Edmond Fitzgerald! I can’t quite make out what Holly is looking at in Panel 3. Is it that she’s looking down at where they’ve come from? And, there’s quite a stretch for Kirbee from the end of the railing to the open door. How’s she going to bridge that?

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    Winterbeast  over 9 years ago

    a ship with a load of tackonite iron ore, should have some storm damage. let’s see how it turns out.

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  5. Bits2
    Diat60  over 9 years ago

    If it’s the Edmund Fitzgerald, they must be somewhere around Lake Superior.

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  6. Horse galloping
    backyardcowboy  over 9 years ago

    With a load of iron ore 26,000 tons morethan the Edmund Fitzgerald weighed empty…

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    gmitchell  over 9 years ago

    Interesting thought: If the EF had sunk like this, straight down like a tower, then the crew could have survived by standing at the stern since the ship was longer than the depth of water in which it sank.

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  8. Cerise face avatar
    Ponyhome  over 9 years ago

    Of course, the Edmund Fitzgerald didn’t originally have rocket engines.

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  9. Idano
    Ida No  over 9 years ago

    Kirbee: “Everyone now! Row, row, row your boat!”

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  10. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 9 years ago

    in the 1at panel it looks like the angle has gone the other way.From the song it seems like they were all awake at the end, so may be monsters here.so Hopping to her death would sound good to her.

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    Oge  over 9 years ago

    In our reality the Fitz broke up and is on the bottom in two pieces.

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    zorro456  over 9 years ago

    Yep, it IS the Edmund Fitzgerald!

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  13. Image
    Vet Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Superior, they said, never gives up her dead,when the gales of November come early.

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  14. Grannysmith10
    Granny Smith  over 9 years ago

    considering the average semi-tractor-trailer maxes out at 40 tons gross weight (rig weight plus full load), the cargo weight on the EF was roughly equivalent to 650 fully laden big rigs.

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  15. Idano
    Ida No  over 9 years ago

    It bothered me that what we’re seeing from the outside in panel 3 doesn’t match up with the exterior of the ship in the other panels. Then it occurred to me that Holly might be flashing back to a different time and a different place, when she was a lot more likely to jump. Either the clock tower, or a tall apartment building.

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  16. Square cami brightened
    CamiSu Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Look at a rail like that from the proper angle and it will look exactly like that.

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  17. Rhadamanthus
    craigwestlake  over 9 years ago

    And it could be that she is debating if she could kill herself by jumping – and plans to do it.

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  18. Image
    Vet Premium Member over 9 years ago

    In the background a song plays over the intercom

    “Love, exciting and newCome aboard. We’re expecting youand Love, Life’s sweetest rewardlet it flow, it floats back to you.

    LOVE BOAT soon will be making another runThe Love Boat promises something for everyoneSet a course for adventureYour mind on a new romance

    And Love wont hurt anymoreIts an open smile on a friendly shoreYes LOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEE

    Welcome aboard……It’s LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE!(on and on and on)Its the LOVE BOAT! Its the LOVE BOAT!!!!!"and Gavin McCloud walks out on deck, all smiling and all.

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  19. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  over 9 years ago

    Looks like Holly may be experiencing a case of Vertigo.

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  20. Wires flyingfox
    radarhead  over 9 years ago

    Perhaps it is the Edmund Fitzgerald, just not the original…

    A tribute ship built to model a famous Earth boat? Perhaps the Lucraneans have a flying Titanic stashed somewhere…

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  21. Timmie 400
    hugewolf  over 9 years ago

    Don’t look down Holly. Holly, why are you looking down? Holly….

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  22. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member over 9 years ago

    The Lucraneans seem to like refitting sunken ships (assuming the O. Queen was one), and they’re not any known race, and Aaron told me they are from this world and not aliens… I think they’re Atlanteans or some other underwater or subterranean race. They would have survived the End under the surface, and taken advantage of the surface salvage opportunities and figure they don’t have to hide from the landlubbers any more.

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member over 9 years ago

    I think Holly’s having a flashback to the tower in Endtown where she nearly jumped off.

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member over 9 years ago

    It need not be the “Edmund Fitzgerald.” Perhaps the “Lorentz-FitzGerald.”

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  25. Penguins
    DADOF3  over 9 years ago

    Somebody did some research. Aside from the jet pods, not a bad rendition of the E. F. ;-)

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