Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for December 17, 2015

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    Varnes  about 9 years ago

    Awe, whatever the kitties need is my duty
..Hey, Meow means MEOW!
.and don’t you forget that!..That’s how we are judged

 by our kitties

 That what God goes by
He just kinda leaves it up to them to report in

..Tell you what
.You better treat your cats right or else!!! FIRECATS! Don’t say I didn’t warn you

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    Randy B Premium Member about 9 years ago

    The staff is getting cranky.

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    nufalready  about 9 years ago

    NOT a cat person. Cats belong in the barn.

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    Aaberon  about 9 years ago

    YouTube: Type in Sylvester the Talking Cat.

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    dadoctah  about 9 years ago

    Back in the early ’70s I lived for a time in a place with no indoor plumbing. If we woke up in the middle of the night needing to go to the bathroom, we had to go outside in the cold to the outhouse..Meanwhile, if the cats got the same urge in the middle of the night, the sandbox was right across the room from the wood stove; they could go in comfort and then return to their super-warm sleeping area..And when the sandbox needed changing, we had to take it outside and bury the contents..An alien landing here would have no trouble figuring out which species was in charge of this planet.

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    marilynn25  about 9 years ago

    If the kitties are happy, everybody’s happy. If the kitties are unhappy, then NOBODY’S happy. Let that be your guide.

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    SkyFisher  about 9 years ago

    Cats rule, dogs serve;cats judge, dogs love.

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    Dr_Zinj  about 9 years ago

    Our cat is an indoor-outdoor cat. She pays for her keep by catching and killing the mice that make it into the house. Since we live out in the woods, those little rodents are sneaking in a couple every week. Especially when it gets cold outside.

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    leons1701  about 9 years ago

    Working cats are great. And an absolute necessity in some places.

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    Aubrey Sheldon Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Just remember, dogs have owners, cats have STAFF!

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    dabugger  about 9 years ago

    Kitty awards
..better than some controller

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    txmystic  about 9 years ago

    I love both cats and dogs. I also like pigs. They’re full of bacon.


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    rcerinys701  about 9 years ago

    The consensus seems to be Kittens, and not the Wiley bear cubs I thought they were. darn.

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    unca jim  about 9 years ago

    And yet, the ancient Egyptians revered cats, for they guarded the grains and crops and took care of the rodent problem. Time passed into the Dark Ages, (middle 1300’s, I think) Europeans took to spookiness, witchcraft, believing in ghosts and cats were blamed for just about all the ills of humanity and were killed, thus allowing the rats to roam freely to tote the fleas that toted the Black Plague, which reduced the population pretty goodly. There was no sanitation to speak of, so that didn’t help either..My only experience with dawgs is that they’re pretty damned annoying when a ‘guest’ brings one or two with them into my house unexpectedly and my request to leave them outside falls on deaf ears. That and the chasing and the biting of us farm kids on our way to the local one-room schoolhouse. (rant officially over)

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    unca jim  about 9 years ago

    “Otherwise you have the worst of both worlds brought into your home.”-————————————————————-Nay, I say. It would only happen (in my case) when the back door was left open a crack to let “the roamer” in after sunset and sometimes her prey was still alive and protesting. Memorable times. The flea and tick treatments were even MORE memorable. I have the scars to prove it !

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    ladylagomorph76  about 9 years ago

    Try house rabbits! With their nice litter boxes, and sweet natures! Lovely animal companions! And no digging the snow for them. They stay inside!

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    Fido (aka Felix Rex)  about 9 years ago

    Cats are the masters. Cats are the masters. Cats are the masters.

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    steverinoCT  about 9 years ago

    I am catless, but the neighbor’s cat would visit. One winter day I came out on my deck and the cat saw me, and galumphed through 3" snow to reach me, so I could pet it. I ended up carrying it through the house (allergic spouse) and out the front where the walk was shoveled so it could go home in comfort.

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    Thomas & Tifffany Connolly  about 9 years ago

    I’m certain that the greater distance from the front door would be paramount!

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    mr_sherman Premium Member about 9 years ago

    What ever the real case Christians are violating the consumption laws that Jews and Moslems follow.The real case is you can’t herd pigs through the desert. They are too slow and they will die. Judaism and Islam were religions born from people with nomadic lifestyles living in at best the semi-arid deserts. Christianity, while an offshoot of Judaism, came from an urban and grew in a much more temperate climate. One sign of their separateness was to eradicate dietary laws. It was also a way to encourage converts from other belief systems.

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    Rosemary Williams  about 9 years ago

    I have great affection for animals in general, but live with 3, soon to be 4, kitties. They have toys and warm beds (two with me) but they repay me for the bother by being affectionate and sympathetic companions. The house would be echoingly empty without them.

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    Randy B Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Cats that spend part or all of their lives outdoors (unsupervised) have shorter lives, and can be injured by many other animals (including other cats), or killed by cars, coyotes, or large birds of prey.Outdoor cats are also responsible for many kills (per cat) of songbirds and other small wildlife.

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  23. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    Cat on my lap, dog by my side, both are family members, and treated as such. Cat btw taught dog (dachshund) how to catch mice, they both clean our our buildings, and unfortunately choose to bring us “presents” on occasion. While indoor/outdoor cats can be a problem, keeping up all vaccinations is VERY important to prevent those diseases we fear.

    Which the ancient prohibition on eating pigs has a lot more to do with trichinosis, a fatal disease back then, than “herding”. Lots of the food prohibitions in Leviticus in fact are related to food safety, even though they didn’t know the pathology back then, they knew some things ended with dead people, and process of elimination made the diagnosis. As to wearing blended fabrics? When Christian missionaries went to the Pacific, they killed off large numbers of the natives, and themselves, by mandating the wearing of European clothing in tropical climates, leading to disease and death.

    Never was a “cat person” per se, preferring dogs, but the simple fact is that our animals are far less likely to turn on us, than other people are.

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    k9monty  about 9 years ago

    Over the years our cats have adapted graciously from very humble environments to downright posh digs, blessing us with endless joy, purring, snuggling, cat conversations etc.

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    Ed Brault Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Take over the world? Buddy, they OWN THE UNIVERSE! They just hired God to manage it because they can’t be bothered.

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    tomielm  about 9 years ago

    Read in the New Testament: Matthew 15, 1-15. That and “Rise, Peter, slay and eat.” Not formal, but definitely recisions.

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    tomielm  about 9 years ago

    Also read the entire 14th chapter of Romans. Paul’s words to the new Christians of Rome.

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    Wallythe2  about 9 years ago

    Shortly after I got married (almost 41 years ago), I told my wife I wanted a cat
 She told me that she didn’t like cats but she did like kittens. So I got her a kitten
 a couple years later I asked her when she wanted to trade in ‘Shadow’ (she named him) on another kitten
She looked at me like I was crazy
 I then reminded her of her statement
 Like ‘kittens not cats’. -Boy did I learn too never bring up the past to the wife when she made a statement that turned out to be not true
 By the by still happily married, still with cats and also a dog.-Life is good.

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