I remember a strip from years ago: carolers were singing “Deck the Halls”. The king walked away. Rodney (I think) reminded the king that carolers are usually offered something. The king said, “I’ll give it to them when they learn all of the words!” Not an exact quote, but that’s how I remember it. It always cracked me up, and makes me giggle every time I hear the song.
I always thought it was:“Not a creature was stirring because the Mice were already marinating for the Christmas dinner special dish, Honey Roasted Mouse.”
Richard Howland-Bolton Premium Member about 9 years ago
’Twas the month before Christmas: through the whole universe,
Stupid buggers were reciting this horrible verse….
<a href = “http://howlandbolton.com/essays/read_more.php?sid=362”>Clarke Moore is Less or A Visit from Inclement Verse
gammaguy about 9 years ago
The ex-terminator is also the ex-governor. Where is he now?
Wren Fahel about 9 years ago
I remember a strip from years ago: carolers were singing “Deck the Halls”. The king walked away. Rodney (I think) reminded the king that carolers are usually offered something. The king said, “I’ll give it to them when they learn all of the words!” Not an exact quote, but that’s how I remember it. It always cracked me up, and makes me giggle every time I hear the song.
biglar about 9 years ago
I’m using this one on my kids tonight!
steampower about 9 years ago
Merry Christmas, Fink. You’re the one who should be exterminated. Anyone got a can of RAID on hand?
naplllp about 9 years ago
Away to the window [he] flew like a flash,Tripped over [his] slippers and fell with a crash.
Dr_Fogg about 9 years ago
Merry Christmas to all ツ
neverenoughgold about 9 years ago
If you ever get a chance, read Christmas in the Trenches by John McCutcheon. Interesting book based on a true event known as the Christmas Truce…
Tarredandfeathered about 9 years ago
I always thought it was:“Not a creature was stirring because the Mice were already marinating for the Christmas dinner special dish, Honey Roasted Mouse.”
patlaborvi about 9 years ago
for a stirring creature check out todays Lio.
Christmastree about 9 years ago
What happened to my favourite comic? Why are the characters suddenly drawn differently? Did nobody notice this? Is this an older version???
noreenklose about 9 years ago
To all my friends on these comics boards:<img src=””width=”350”>
Thanks for my smiles all year, and here’s hoping for many more!May you have a happy, healthy, New Year.
Phil (full phname Philip Philop) over 7 years ago
Rodney and the duke actually look quite similar to the original artwork (‘64). The fink definitely doesn’t.
Spirit749 about 4 years ago
(Sarcastic slowclap)