Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for February 01, 2016
Lupin: There's been a hairball. Puck: Puck here, not far from the grim scene where authorities have covered the hairball with an absorbent sheet. Puck: Authorities are urging locals to keep their distance. Woman: No, no! Yucky! Toddler: Down! DOWN! Lupin: This brings the year's hairball count to 6, up 30% from last year. Woman: What is the rug coming to? Puck: Early reports are claiming the hair was not really black, not exactly white- Puck: ....More of a beige... Elvis: OH NO, this isn't getting pinned on me! Elvis: Just because it's beige doesn't mean it was me. It could have been someone who GROOMED me. Lupin: So, in exchange for grooming you, we get blamed for your gross hairballs? Elvis: I only meant- Lupin: No, just so we're clear- Elvis: I wouldn't DO something like that! Puck: It's only natural for tempers to flare when there's a hairball- Lupin: Well, Elvis, this is one cat who is never grooming you again. Elvis: EVERYTHING I DO IS DIGNIFIED! Lupin: Then good luck trying to lick the back of your own head!
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 9 years ago
So There!
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 9 years ago
….and I LOVE Elvis’s Puffer Tail!
fuzzybritches Premium Member about 9 years ago
now starts a series of cartoons in which Elvis is decidedly disheveled . . .
rikkiTikki Premium Member about 9 years ago
Puck in the panel that just says live, what a great expression and those little fangs showing are cute.
Yogi007 about 9 years ago
Hey Doc, with the dog taking care of the problem, it seems like a win/win situation…win for the dog for the “treat” and a win for you for not having to clean it up…unless the dog pukes it back up himself! I think we all have had our share of overeating cats and what they do soon after.
deadheadzan about 9 years ago
Elvis is going to have some bad hair days! I just love Elvis with puffy tail saying "Everything I do is dignified!
zenyattafan about 9 years ago
When we had a dog, I never had to clean the litterbox. My DH called what the dog ate “litter pops.”
Banjo Gordy Premium Member about 9 years ago
With 3 cats & small dog we had to replace our 18 year old grey carpet that came with our Palm Harbor double wide.
I could have cut it up & sold pieces as Jackson Pollock Originals.. Linoleum replacement was easier to clean.
Expressions on Puck, Elvis, & Lupin are wonderful! l
SunflowerGirl100 about 9 years ago
My two cats are no more upset by the sight of a hairball than by the remains of a mouse. In each case it’s “What’s that? Yawn. I don’t know anything about it.”
SallyLin about 9 years ago
Nature, gross in tooth and claw. Love today’s strip! Of course, I love them all.
Krazgamer about 9 years ago
Don’t you love Lupin’s smug little smile in the last panel?!
dogday Premium Member about 9 years ago
Oh Georgia, you brought that one home BEAUTIFULLY!! Poor Pucky the Peacekeeper! Too funny!
Wichita1.0 about 9 years ago
Smuuuuug smile!
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 9 years ago
We always gave our cats Petromalt. They liked it and it took care of the hairballs.We started giving it to them after an incident, in the middle of the night, in the middle of our bed.We were fast asleep and didn’t hear the acking until too late!
SunflowerGirl100 about 9 years ago
For all LOTR fans. I read an interview with Andy Serkin who said he couldn’t find a voice for Gollum until his cat hacked up a hairball and he thought that sound was perfect. So next time you watch the LOTR movies, remember that Gollum was inspired by a cat!!!!
pekenpug about 9 years ago
Years ago when I chose a carpet color for the new house, I chose the color of the food the cats ate. Worked out pretty well.
heatherjasper about 9 years ago
We’ve had many cats throughout the years, and the only hairball I’ve seen is at our cousins’ with their cat. We didn’t really groom our cats, but maybe since they were outside they hacked them up there?
Coyoty Premium Member about 9 years ago
I bet the cat in “Rose Is Rose” could lick the back of her head.
scyphi26 about 9 years ago
Oh, cats can groom the back of their heads on their own just fine. They just lather up their paws and then rub the back of their heads with it a good few times.
luckylouie about 9 years ago
And when you deposit a hairball (or better yet, when you overeat) always back up till it’s the exact size of a bare human foot.
kwblazek-16 over 3 years ago
Th yo