Endtown by Aaron Neathery for January 25, 2016

  1. Ukiah
    MadMorrow  about 9 years ago

    Somebody has plans for Holly.

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    trantor0815  about 9 years ago

    First! :)That is real 3D Cinema Wally :)

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  3. Blindspot
    salenstormwing  about 9 years ago

    First a diner, now fast moving vehicles. Maybe this isn’t the Twilight Zone. Maybe this is a-ha’s Take On Me. Let me know when we get to the part with the Magic Frame.

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    cleehilllaw  about 9 years ago

    No complaining Wally: you’re getting dinner and a show.

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  5. Compressed orion nebula
    Map_One  about 9 years ago

    When did Wally switch positions? (Besides one panel to the next) He was on the right then the left in the last panel.

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    Keleren Millham  about 9 years ago

    His position is the same. I believe they are peeking out the back window of the vehicle.

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  7. Wires flyingfox
    radarhead  about 9 years ago

    Notice the hair in the third panel. Looks like Holly’s now along for the ride. Is it our Holly, or is this past Holly’s fancy new flying car?

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  8. Penguins
    DADOF3  about 9 years ago

    Not so much as a doggie (er… kitty?) bag or the road. ;-)

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  9. Penguins
    DADOF3  about 9 years ago

    Do they even have Power Point in this reality?

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  10. Penguins
    DADOF3  about 9 years ago

    What? No DeLoreans? Great Scott!! ;-)

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  11. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 9 years ago

    I don’t think Hollly and Lyn see them. Otherwise they would be asking who are you people and what are you doing in our car?They are sure getting the deluxe version of backstories.

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  12. Coffee turtle avatar
    coffeeturtle  about 9 years ago

    Debtor’s prison has often been a life sentence. Were they living high off the hog and beyond their means to accumulate that debt?

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Then we can take it from the presence of a debtor’s prison that Hillside isn’t in the United States…

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    stevegallacci  about 9 years ago

    Actually, it is all too easy to get into a cycle of ever-increasing debt without ever indulging in frivolous spending. Especially if the system is set up with predatory lending and punitive lack of debt mitigation. The intention is to make poverty so awful that people would feel compelled to make distasteful choices- like becoming a wage slave. And in this case, actually criminalize poverty with all that comes with it.

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  15. Rhadamanthus
    craigwestlake  about 9 years ago

    Welcome to the coming future of the United States of Corporate…

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member about 9 years ago

    So who’s flying the car?

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  17. 000 0557
    Darwinskeeper  about 9 years ago

    I remember once hearing from Aaron that Hillside was a city state in the same continent that the United States of America is in our universe. I remember hearing that The U.S.A. may have existed on this continent as a smaller entity. We have no real idea where Bordavia is.

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  18. Angel cat
    noreenklose  about 9 years ago

    EEK!!! Back to Holly…back to Holly…more Holly background, please!

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  19. 000 0557
    Darwinskeeper  about 9 years ago

    This would suggest that Holly and Lyn’s windfall was enough that they could go from driving his decent ground car to a flying one.

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  20. 000 0557
    Darwinskeeper  about 9 years ago

    Hmmm…the fact that Kirbee didn’t know what Kashmere acres was suggests that either she wasn’t from the Hillside area or that she was too young to know about these sort of things. This might suggest that her age is about 18-22.

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    percenez  about 9 years ago

    Aaron is better at drawing mutants than actuall humans.

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  22. Bits2
    Diat60  about 9 years ago

    Is that “2411LK” or Z411LK? Is either significant? Does any of this matter? And what do shoes, horses, riders and red color have to do with anything? Do I understand what the heck is going on? Do I heck! Signed: Completely lost in Bewildersville.

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  23. 000 0557
    Darwinskeeper  about 9 years ago

    I think it was Kirbee who commented about not getting desert, judging where the speech balloon was pointed. Besides, I don’t know if a kid whose diet used to consist of twinkees would have any concept of desert.

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  24. Step 1
    mr_sherman Premium Member about 9 years ago

    I just noticed this:In panel 4 they are looking out the back window, not the front, because in panel 3 we are seeing them in the back seat and see the top of the head of someone (Holly?) in the front. If this is so, then we may be seeing what happened AFTER Holly and Lyn’s encounter with the other creature.

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member about 9 years ago

    I notice, too, that Kirbee is still wearing her bandage / Holly’s apron. Sure hope it’s healed up…otherwise, whoever’s car that is might be mad at the upholstery staining…

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member about 9 years ago

    I took the first number “2” to be the letter “Z”…

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    Space_cat  about 9 years ago

    This almost seems like a Dickensian nightmare with a message. Instead of Scrooge, are we seeing bits of Holly’s past. Holly seems to have got what she wanted, right along with the baggage that goes with it. It may not be an idyll, a la belle age of sorts. But it seems that the Dittoes want to move the story along, instead of letting Kirbee have dessert!(Next time you’re there, try the pie, it’s really good)

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    j  about 9 years ago

    Kirby is wearing the apron to cover the big hole in the seat of her pants.

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  29. Notfubar
    rocketranger2  about 9 years ago

    Flying car crash coming soon….

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  30. Idano
    Ida No  about 9 years ago

    Nobody commenting on the number of cars in panel 4? Either this is a big race and the winner gets a large cash award, or this is a mass exodus and thousands of people are fleeing Hillside all at one time.

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  31. Smaug
    the other ghost girl  about 9 years ago

    The problem with “Debtor communities” (and prisons and general) is that since the prisoners make little to no money for themselves while they are there they usually wind up in the exact same situation they were before.

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  32. 000 0557
    Darwinskeeper  about 9 years ago

    I find myself wondering how these “Debt Communities” work. Holly mentioned a fixed time frame, suggesting that a certain level of defaulted debt landed one a certain amount of time in a given community. Was there some way involving work and cheap living that the community was able to pay back a certain amount every year to the lender? Was defaulting on debt considered akin to robbery with one’s sentence to a community being punishment, but without the expectation that the debt would be repaid at a later date? There are so many ways this could go.

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  33. Ukiah
    MadMorrow  about 9 years ago

    I really think humanity being turned into cartoon animals was the best thing to happen to the world. Humans always look so ugly in these strips, I think they should just go with it and enjoy the new fresh start :)

    BTW, it may be my imagination but wasn’t there a strip a long while back about a character turning into an unknown species and we still hadn’t gotten a look at what that was?

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  34. Papa smurf walking smiling
    route66paul  about 9 years ago

    Anyone with a mortgage is in debtor’s prison.

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  35. Bits2
    Diat60  about 9 years ago

    Endtown not showing on my computer. Anyone getting it?

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    AL1959  about 9 years ago

    11:35 AM Hillbilly time. The strip A.W.O.L.

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    ruth30  about 9 years ago

    Hopefully loading a new one.

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  38. Version 2
    The Eclexian Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Hope Aaron’s okay…

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    cindyorch  about 9 years ago

    it’s 8:45 PST and no Endtown update. It was late yesterday, too. I also hope Aaron is okay.

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