Peanuts by Charles Schulz for March 06, 2016

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    legaleagle48  about 9 years ago

    Ooh, what an evil look in Snoopy’s eyes!

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    paha_siga  about 9 years ago

    If it was a creepy-crawly worm, wouldn’t you feel it creeping-crawling?

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    noribori  about 9 years ago

    “Now, Bill, sit where you are,” said the beggar. “If I can’t see, I can hear a finger stirring. Business is business. Hold out your left hand. Boy, take his left hand by the wrist and bring it near to my right.”We both obeyed him to the letter, and I saw him pass something from the hollow of the hand that held his stick into the palm of the captain’s, which closed upon it instantly.“And now that’s done,” said the blind man; and at the words he suddenly left hold of me, and with incredible accuracy and nimbleness, skipped out of the parlour and into the road, where, as I still stood motionless, I could hear his stick go tap-tap-tapping into the distance.It was some time before either I or the captain seemed to gather our senses, but at length, and about at the same moment, I released his wrist, which I was still holding, and he drew in his hand and looked sharply into the palm.“Ten o’clock!” he cried. “Six hours. We’ll do them yet,” and he sprang to his feet.Even as he did so, he reeled, put his hand to his throat, stood swaying for a moment, and then, with a peculiar sound, fell from his whole height face foremost to the floor.I ran to him at once, calling to my mother. But haste was all in vain. The captain had been struck dead by thundering apoplexy.

    R. L. Stevenson, Treasure Island

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    eddie6192  about 9 years ago

    A sucker comes along every minute.

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    orinoco womble  about 9 years ago

    How unkind of Linus to perpetuate the same mean trick. Should have just tossed whatever.

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    cubswin2016  about 9 years ago

    Did P.T. Barnum write this comic strip?

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    rpG Premium Member about 9 years ago


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    Thomas Scott Roberts creator about 9 years ago

    There was a similar story with Faron, Frieda’s cat, being handed off from one kid to another to hold while she went off somewhere.

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    summerdog86  about 9 years ago

    He’s a Beagle. He has a great nose! Smell it first and check it out. It might be a Milk Bone.

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    Godfreydaniel  about 9 years ago

    @Thomas Scott RobertsAs the world’s only “boneless” cat, Faron was pretty close to a worm, if you think about it…….

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    bigcatbusiness  about 9 years ago

    I better try this prank sometimes.

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    logophiles  about 9 years ago

    “Never wear a shirt” LOL

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    Floppy32511  about 9 years ago

    What Is It…

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    Number Three  about 9 years ago

    Just when I thought Snoopy was continuing to be so sweet and innocent.


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    neverenoughgold  about 9 years ago

    “Never wear a shirt” doesn’t always help…

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    noribori  about 9 years ago

    @El Segundocopy – paste from www.gutenberg.orgYes, I still have the time to read a book, I hope that doesn’t change.

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    bookworm0812  about 9 years ago

    Aww, man! I wanted to know what it was!

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    coreym5  about 9 years ago

    This strip is one of the few examples of a Sunday continuity in Peanuts. Linus sings Snoopy’s name in the first panel just like Lucy sang Linus’ name in the first panel of the previous Sunday strip.

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    CalLadyQED  about 9 years ago

    I’m confused. How did Snoopy get something in his “hands”? We never see Linus put anything there.

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