Betty by Gary Delainey and Gerry Rasmussen for February 12, 2016

  1. The shadow
    Ubintold  about 9 years ago

    Gak ! Anything but that !

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    inshadowz  about 9 years ago

    Well, I seem to remember Peter Parker having a substantial amount of personal life between the worst Spider-Man outings. That said, there weren’t many superheroes whose everyday worries orbited around pursuing a career as a freelance news photographer in order to pay the rent and afford your Aunt May’s medicines.

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    sbwertz  about 9 years ago

    The Incredibles?

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    prince valiant Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Every family are super heroes, raising their kids in the world today. God bless ’em!

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  5. Abcd3
    redback  about 9 years ago

    1. there are plenty of movies about superheroes with families2. just like when fanboys discuss about who has the biggest spaceship or who is more badass, remember those things do not exist. There has never been a spaceship, or one bigger than the other. They are as big as the guy who imagined them wants to imagine them, and if somebody says that certain spaceship is bigger, I can simply imagine another one twice as big, since I don’t have to actually build it. If you want to imagine a superhero with family, just imagine him (or her); nothing stops you. On the other hand, you can imagine every day Joes, but their powers won’t get out of the imagination3. getting intense about something because is not what you like, and dissing something because is not what you like, when nobody is telling you a thing about your tastes or pestering you when you watch the movies you like, or read the books you like, or telling other people what they should watch, or read, or like, does not turn you into an every day hero. It turns you into a douche bag, and somebody who nobody wants to be around, as you are messing with things that are none of your business and instead, getting into the space of other people

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  6. Abcd3
    redback  about 9 years ago

    I also noticed something, all these cartoons are part of the same dialog; in real life it would have occurred in a lapse of five minutes, but as they are presented trough the whole week, what I (and I believe others) feel is as if she had been nagging him trough the whole week (instead of talking about it for five minutes) for watching superhero movies

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  7. Gothic hand
    erin.adamic Premium Member about 9 years ago

    @Misterdantes: Good points yesterday. Especially for a Shakespeare geek like me :) I guess every genre has merit where you look for it. For the record, I like Betty’s idea!

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    slsharris  about 9 years ago

    Real heroes take out the garbage.

    Without being asked and expecting applause…

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    alcors3  about 9 years ago

    Check out “The Tick”

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    car2ner  about 9 years ago

    Disney’s The Incredibles. .

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