Ten Cats by Graham Harrop for February 16, 2016

  1. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  about 9 years ago

    Since the Grammys did not see fit to mention Dan Hicks, RIP, please indulge my posting some links to favorite tunes.How can I miss you when you won’t go awayI’m an Old CowhandSweetheartOReilly at the Bar

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  2. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  about 9 years ago

    You can’t find me!kink

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  3. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  about 9 years ago

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  4. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  about 9 years ago

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  5. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  about 9 years ago

    Time for bed.Good Night Mrs Calabash

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    jessegooddoggy  about 9 years ago

    How many times have we searched and searched for one of our cats and are sure they are lost before they magically appear at our feet?

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  7. Booboo
    bbear  about 9 years ago

    Cat shaming:

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    ladykat Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Good morning, everyone. Great pics so far today.

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  9. Chai
    Perkycat  about 9 years ago

    I figured Chesney was out on the loading dock.

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    Queen of America Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Not many postings yet this morning.

    I was over at the Luann strip – boy, are those people invested in that strip!

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  11. Chai
    Perkycat  about 9 years ago

    Gweedo – Love your pictures. Beautiful scenery and beautiful people.

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  12. Robson 052 19 05 03  600x600
    More_Cats_Than_Sense  about 9 years ago

    Has Oliver checked on top of the cabinets?

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  13. Robson 052 19 05 03  600x600
    More_Cats_Than_Sense  about 9 years ago

    What about in the coffee table?

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  14. Robson 052 19 05 03  600x600
    More_Cats_Than_Sense  about 9 years ago

    Or in the kitchen drawers?

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  15. Robson 052 19 05 03  600x600
    More_Cats_Than_Sense  about 9 years ago

    Could be hiding ANYWHERE!

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  16. Img 1062
    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 9 years ago

    @GweedoNo. She isn’t pushing at all.Nice thing about my boss, she actually does care.About all the clients and the caregivers.As long as the caregivers are doing what is expected of them in caring for the client.With her, the client really does come first.

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  17. Robson 052 19 05 03  600x600
    More_Cats_Than_Sense  about 9 years ago

    It’s OK Oliver, Chesney is just out earning a bit of cash

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  18. Robson 052 19 05 03  600x600
    More_Cats_Than_Sense  about 9 years ago


    Re: Whisplicka’s Boulder visit !

    Great pictures, thanks for sharing.

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  19. Margie und ich
    Marge Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Thank you for sharing the photos of “Whisplicka’s Boulder visit”! Great pics!

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  20. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 9 years ago

    You’ll find Oliver, when you are looking for something (or someone), it is always in the last place you look! :-D

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  21. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 9 years ago

    GWEEDO, nice pictures! And the countryside is BEAUTIFUL!

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    Queen of America Premium Member about 9 years ago

    MCTS – nice pics – where or where will he be??

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    Queen of America Premium Member about 9 years ago

    I remember Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks, but only vaguely.

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  24. Thumbnail  2
    whisplicka  about 9 years ago

    To my host, Gweedo, and all Ten Cats posters, thank you Gweedo, for the extremely fantastic tour of your area. I had a great instructor of local history, and also in some of the computer “stuff” in which I am sadly lacking. To posters, taking you along on the “tour” was fun, so am glad you also enjoyed the ride, and the pictures we took. Beautiful country, and a huge change from the Great Lakes area. Weather was balmy and sunny, and in the upper 60"s all week long; in the single digits (9) when I landed in Grand Rapids. Thank you all for your comments.

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  25. Ten cats oliver annie kiss 81322
    daleandkristen  about 9 years ago

    QueenofAmerica GoComics PRO Member said, about 20 hours ago@daleandkristenWas the drawer her regular sleeping area or did she just sneak in it was open?———————————————————————————Kristen had a morning routine…as soon as I opened the lingerie drawer she jumped up into it. And, no, she was not allowed to sleep there…I didn’t need furry underwear! lol———————————————————————————@Beviak: Oh, but I saw my neighbor’s Chow Chow this morning all dressed up in his winter coat and booties. His name is HENDRIX too.

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  26. Ten cats oliver annie kiss 81322
    daleandkristen  about 9 years ago

    @Gweedo….nice pics. Looks like you’ve made yet another great TC connection.

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  27. Ten cats oliver annie kiss 81322
    daleandkristen  about 9 years ago

    MCTS I see Chesney hiding behind the tall curtains. ADORABLE.

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  28. J0407525
    She Mc  about 9 years ago

    How wonderful that some of you can get together and have fun, you do live in a beautiful place, thanks for the peepshow X

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  29. Margie und ich
    Marge Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Thank you, Gweedo, I’m now very happy. Now I have not only an invitation from Beth to Tennessee but also to Colorado…. Oh dear, how happy am I, it moves me to tears!Since my cancer, I will probably not travel again such a long way. My childhood dream to see the USA (and perhaps live there forever), have I fulfilled when I visited the United States five times in the years 1999 to 2001. I visited acquaintances from Long Island who not only showed me their New York but also small parts of Connecticut and New Jersey. My boyfriend from Missouri (he promised me the permanent green card but later found another lady friend and married her – that’s why sometimes I speak of bitter sweet memories! Oh yeah!) took me on sightseeing tours through Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Louisiana, and in Texas we visited his mother and sister.I know, there is so much in the United States to see, so many landscapes, so many wonderful places and sights, still so many unfulfilled dreams – I will be modest – I am happy and my dreams are satisfied if I can take part of your travels and pictures and I feel fine with it.Gweedo, thank you once again for the space that you would give to me.

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  30. Bluebell s kittens
    Mary  about 9 years ago

    @Marge, I hope you do get to do some more traveling, even if only in Europe. There are so many nice places to see. I’ve been in the UK almost 19 years now and have been to Ireland, France, Germany (Munich and Frankfurt), northern Italy and the Czech Republic. My husband used to take in students from the University of Birmingham before we were married and we were able to visit a lot of them in these places.

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  31. Bluebell s kittens
    Mary  about 9 years ago

    Only a one cat night last night, the ever faithful Cass. The weather has been nuts. From below freezing yesterday to 50F (10C) today, along with wind and rain.

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  32. Margie und ich
    Marge Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Little Oliver, have you looked behind this Painting (from brightside.me)?

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  33. Angel cat
    noreenklose  about 9 years ago

    @ Gweedo,Loved the pics you posted of Whisplicka’s visit.@ all posters,Nice pics today.Loved the tail sticking out from behind the framed picture!

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  34. Resized 20210528 163948
    Queen of America Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Beth Peterson – I just read the last of the comments from yesterday. We put the bat house over on the south corner of our house. I think none use it because they have better places.

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  35. Resized 20210528 163948
    Queen of America Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Does anyone know if there are any sort of sedatives that can be added to a cats’ food or water to make it really REALLY calm or even go to sleep?

    I’m asking because: some time last year, a cat was adopted from us. She was returned to the shelter early this month because the owner had her declawed and it did not go well and now the cat is untouchable. She must be in a lot of pain.

    Yes, I have a LOT of questions, too, but no answers.

    I just suggested to Susan (who will be back from Death Valley late tomorrow evening) that maybe a vet could provide such a sedative. Then she should take the cat to the the vet for treatment.

    She informed me in no uncertain terms that there were no such sedatives. So I shut my mouth but am still wondering about them.

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  36. Margie und ich
    Marge Premium Member about 9 years ago

    This site is only in German, so sorry, but it says, declawing is a hurtful process not only for the moment , also for the whole life after declawing… Declawing = EntkrallenThis is a small translation of one of the sentences there by bing: "This means a mutilation, which can lead to serious health problems for the cats. To extract nails to a cat, the last link to the paw is cut off her. Skin, tendons, nerves, and bones are hurt. In a people comparatively it’s truncation of the last link of the finger."

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  37. Margie und ich
    Marge Premium Member about 9 years ago

    @ Dry and Dusty!Thank you dear Dry and Dusty! I appreciate your prayers and I know they helped and will help. Got the colon cancer with metastases in liver and in one lung in 2010 and got chemo, radiotherapy and surgeries (last was 2012). Last MR imaging from January, 25th said fortunately: all is negative, no cancer. But the surgeries and chemo leave marks and so do my colostoma. I’m not the same as before. But I still live that is what counts.Take care, dear friend! Best wishes!

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  38. Ds frq can use for gocomics avatar sparkle
    BaconBoyCamper  about 9 years ago

    Here’s what X-Tech created for the GoComic commands. Some may be out of date with how the “new” changes are incorportated:

    Citizen Dog June 26 2008

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