If women got paid the amount they often have to pay someone else to do their child care and housework, while they go outside the home to work…everyone would be rich. AND all other industrialized countries in the world DO pay Moms to take care of their kids.
Templo S.U.D. almost 9 years ago
No, Jason, what you need is to quit making bargains.
Wilde Bill almost 9 years ago
Half of nothing? Don’t spend it all in one place.
legaleagle48 almost 9 years ago
Jason, face it — you walked right into that one!
Robert Wilson Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I clipped the original of this strip and put it on our refrigerator
Doctor11 almost 9 years ago
You walked right into that one, Jason.
USN1977 almost 9 years ago
Jason’s mom could say “Sure, I will pay you with a roof over your head and a hot meal. In essence, you will make room and board”.
rgcviper almost 9 years ago
I’ll take some of those smackaroos, if she’s offering …
Fun word.
lindz.coop Premium Member almost 9 years ago
If women got paid the amount they often have to pay someone else to do their child care and housework, while they go outside the home to work…everyone would be rich. AND all other industrialized countries in the world DO pay Moms to take care of their kids.