Frazz by Jef Mallett for March 11, 2016
Caulfield: Is there really such thing as a "temporary fix"? Girl: Not according to my dad the veterinarian. Frazz: I'm still amazed you let Caulfield write a test. Mrs. Olsen: The students needed to think creatively. Caulfield needed to learn sometimes it's more work to get your own way and I needed to finish my crossword puzzle.
peter almost 9 years ago
Our planet.
DutchUncle almost 9 years ago
I’ve loved this week, and I hate to throw shade, but . . . I spent two years working towards an “alternate route” teaching license for high school math (I had two engineering degrees + 30 years experience at the time, contemplating a change of career). Caulfield is disruptive because he’s clever, and the other kids respond positively, and they’re all good kids (because it’s a comic strip). I can tell you that all it takes is one kid being disruptive because he’s just a jerk, and NOTHING works. Doesn’t matter if the disrupting one is smart, or stupid, or clinically unhinged; once the group is randomly offtrack, it goes nowhere. Caulfield’s interruptions and metaphysical / multi-entendre questions lead everyone to think, mainly because Jef Mallet is writing them for the adult readers as much as for the characters.
The biggest problem I saw in school was that, because the adults have to suppress the jerks and troublemakers, they also wind up suppressing the clever out-of-the-box thinkers, who will have to go on to succeed DESPITE their education rather than HELPED by it.
MS72 almost 9 years ago
OOOoooh, cursive writing. Where did she learn that?
Fido (aka Felix Rex) almost 9 years ago
After two decades teaching Special Education in a Middle School, I have seen my fair share (at least) of those aforementioned ‘jerks’. Their daily (hourly — minute-ly) shenanigans certainly do make for some ‘interesting’ lessons. That being said, and particularly for me this year with a class of students with Autism, I can cherish the growth that I have seen far more than suffering the fools. I too have my own version of Caulfield — a student whose intelligence is amazing, with a sense of humor and a sense of timing that would astound anyone. And, like Caufield does for Ms O, he makes sure that I am prepared.
tommysmo almost 9 years ago
Jef, This has been one of my favorite weeks.
Ride on!
hablano almost 9 years ago
No Canadians here? Red Green on makeshift repairs: “It’s only temporary if it don’t work.”
Wilde Bill almost 9 years ago
I spent four years in what would today be called an inner-city high school. Despite taking accelerated math classes, I found that everything was dumbed down. I never developed good study habits because I didn’t need to. Despite graduating in the top of my class, I was totally unprepared for college level calculus. This forced a major change in my career path.
Erichalfbee almost 9 years ago
Caulfield’s contribution to the week was good, Frazz was repetitive in the extreme.
tomielm almost 9 years ago
Mrs. Olsen summed it up nicely. And many of your postings were enjoyable and informative. It’s been a fun week. Thank you, Jef — and posters!
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly almost 9 years ago
An “A” grade all across the board!