Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for March 17, 2016

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    Ermine Notyours  almost 9 years ago

    KPOP sounds like the name of a radio station.

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    Saddenedby Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    as much as i love the world of ‘over the hedge’ when it stays in it’s world i guess i just must be ‘intolerant’ when it doesn’t.may the spirit of ‘mockery’ and ‘intolerance’ for what you don’t like walk with you till you open your eyes to what tolerant really means and how mockery is not ‘funny’ it is mockerybye

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    Stephen Gilberg  almost 9 years ago

    He actually didn’t look bad in his teens: http://rackcdn.conservativebookclub.com/2015/07/Yung-Trump.jpg

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    billpat1  almost 9 years ago

    Why is this strip all political now? And why only against the republicans, The dems have Hillary, could be just the same. Can we get back to being a cartoon? I use to love this strip and show it to my granddaughter, not any more!

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    kaploy9  almost 9 years ago

    I wonder what gave way to this recent Trump fever?

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    soulvoid  almost 9 years ago

    Isn’t it really funny when people are offended by a comic strip but think Trump is a great guy?

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    Duane Ott  almost 9 years ago

    Cartoonists love exaggeration. A Hilary Hug would just be one icky, not too icky.

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    Spiny Norman Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Trump would be a disaster, but so are Hillery and Sanders. We are in a no win situation. Are only hope for the next four years is a stalemate in Congress.

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    dogday Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    I tend to agree with you on Lewis and Fry. Donald Trump should not be seen in a strictly political light. He is not a politician. He is running for office. They are not the same thing. He is and always has been a spoiled, self-centered, power-hungry man who recognizes no authority but that of his money and his ability to hurt people with it. Do you get that? “NO AUTHORITY BUT HIS OWN” to think he’s going to do anything for anybody else is the ultimate in self-delusion.

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    dogday Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Oh, btw
the “always has been” comes from an article in either Time or Newsweek about 35 years ago in which Trump, in the process of exalting himself, thoroughly trashed his own father and his father’s accomplishments. The Good Son for real.

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    Spade Jr.  almost 9 years ago

    2nd notice: STOP THE POLITICS in the strip. I don’t care if you bash Trump or Hilary, I don’t turn to your strip for political humor. Keep it up and you’ll be FIRED-by me—-a dissatisfied customer. And if you need it spelled out, you can only lose so many customers (readers) before your career is over and not by your own choice.

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  12. 25knots
    hobiephil  almost 9 years ago

    Lewis/Fry, I have loved your strip for many years, but when you feel so self-important that you think that you will change people’s minds by espousing your political beliefs in a frigging cartoon you have truly lost touch with reality. Look at the comments. All you have achieved is pissing off half your readership. I read comics to have a good laugh. I am looking forward to your strip giving me one again.

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