Reg Smythe once said of Andy removing his cap: “That would be like Groucho without his mustache, the Lone Ranger without his mask or Beetle Bailey without his helmet.”
No matter what profession people have. They are either good people or bad people. No matter if they are a lawyer, teacher or police officer.I’m not the stereotypical
“Good morning the worm you’re honor, the crown will plainly show the subject that stands before you was caught red handed showing feelings of almost human nature………this will not do!”
I still can’t understand why they can’t lock up Andy permanently as a habitual criminal and public nuisance. Put him at hard labor.It’s not as though Flo needs him for financial support.
Mikeyj almost 9 years ago
Now THAT is a great one, Smythian at it’s best!!! 10/10!!!
Mikeyj almost 9 years ago
Cocaine Comix???? Looks as if Robert Crumb, invaded a Bill Elder street scene!!
Mikeyj almost 9 years ago
TREEINTHEWIND almost 9 years ago
The honest and morally responsible lawyers are generally still in law school waiting to be unleashed on society………
Linguist almost 9 years ago
“The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers”. – King Henry the Sixth, Part II (Act IV, Scene II)
Andy’s Barrister
maverick1usa almost 9 years ago
Politicians are much worse than lawyers!
Godfreydaniel almost 9 years ago
@:LinguistI think Andy would probably want to use Rumpole (and then not pay him, of course………)
Fan o’ Lio. almost 9 years ago
Reg Smythe once said of Andy removing his cap: “That would be like Groucho without his mustache, the Lone Ranger without his mask or Beetle Bailey without his helmet.”
Number Three almost 9 years ago
No matter what profession people have. They are either good people or bad people. No matter if they are a lawyer, teacher or police officer.I’m not the stereotypical
annette143NotMe almost 9 years ago
The Old Pastor’sLast Request
An old pastor lay dying.
He sent a message for an IRS agent, and his lawyer, to come to the hospital.
When they arrived, they were ushered up to his room.
As they entered, the pastor held out his hands and motioned for them to sit on either side of his bed.
The pastor grasped their hands, sighed contentedly, smiled… and stared at the ceiling.
For a long time, no one said anything.
Both the IRS agent and lawyer were touched and flattered the old man would ask them to be with him during his final moments.
They were also puzzled because the pastor had never given any indication he particularly liked either of them.
Finally, the lawyer asked, “Pastor, why did you ask the two of us to come here?”
The old pastor mustered all his strength, then said weakly, “Jesus died between two thieves… and THAT’S how I want to go!”
Joken' almost 9 years ago
“Good morning the worm you’re honor, the crown will plainly show the subject that stands before you was caught red handed showing feelings of almost human nature………this will not do!”
Mikeyj almost 9 years ago
Beetle Bailey, without his helmet…
annette143NotMe almost 9 years ago
click to see 500 × 602
Sherlock5 over 1 year ago
I still can’t understand why they can’t lock up Andy permanently as a habitual criminal and public nuisance. Put him at hard labor.It’s not as though Flo needs him for financial support.