Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for March 14, 2016
Lupin: Something's gotten into Puck. Elvis: Lupin, Elvis here, live beside the bed where Puck is hiding from nothing. Puck: How do you not see her? Elvis: See who? Elvis: Puck, are you okay? Tillie: Say, kitten, could you take that clockwork ice cream cone elsewhere? Puck: No thank you. Tillie: I'VE got an interview to conduct! Elvis: Awfully cold in here all of a sudden- Tillie: You there, crackerjack! Can I get a comment on the new addition? Puck: What?........Do you mean the Baby? Tillie: The Baby? What? No! That's old news! It's all about the new addition now! Puck: Oh, I had no idea. Elvis: Lupin, this is turning on a corner of weirdness. Puck: I'm sorry I've been so rude. Who are you? Tillie: I'm Tillie! I can't stay too long, I've got to get back to Freddie. Puck: May I smell your nose? Puck: I'm Puck. You know, I'm a reporter myself!
Steve Bartholomew about 9 years ago
Can’t all cats see ghosts?
deadheadzan about 9 years ago
Till i.e. Has great technique for putting Puck at ease(you there, Crackerjack). Puck sees a fellow reporter and all is well. Elvis is totally freaked out.
Coyoty Premium Member about 9 years ago
I had a cat that saw a ghost.About 30 years ago I was living in a haunted tenement, where things would shake and other residents would see people who suddenly disappear.I was in my bedroom and the door was partially open. I thought I saw the door move slightly, but wan’t sure. The cat went and sat in front of the doorway and stared into it. Then she got up on her hind legs, grabbed the door with her forelegs, and opened it all the way.
Quabaculta about 9 years ago
It’s time to get ready for work and no way I could read the 15+ comics in my lineup before this one. I skipped ahead and read this charming beginning to the new arc. While the world did not split apart I have a smile on my face as I get ready for work. Mebbe skipping ahead isn’t so bad, and Breakin’ Cat News is worth any consequence.
Wichita1.0 about 9 years ago
SallyLin about 9 years ago
I’m enthralled!
PoodleGroomer about 9 years ago
We had an ill 17 year old cat that died, upstairs in a bedroom, of the stress of avoiding a 5th grade boy’s birthday party. Weeks later I saw the cat in the dark room, sitting on the bed watching me walk by with the laundry. I went back and turned on the light and the shape was just a child’s backpack, I think…
scyphi26 about 9 years ago
Puck does look like he’s lost it in the eyes of the other cats.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 9 years ago
At the risk of coming across as a kook, I’ve seen ghosts a couple of times in my life. The first was when I was a child, I’d wake up in the middle of the night to see my bedroom door open, two men walk thru, one tall the other short and then they would disappear. I then stayed awake til I could hear the birds, then I fell back asleep. My mother never could understand why it was so hard to get me up in the morning. I now know they were residual energy. Where we lived had been a duck hunting area. Many years later my parents were watching tv when a man in a plaid shirt appeared in the doorway. They asked him what he wanted and he disappeared. Several neighbors had similar experiences.
She Mc about 9 years ago
Gosh, Georgia, see how you manage to conjure up lots of spooky thoughts!, a wonderful treat for us, thanks x
Coyoty Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I think there may be a phantom pet syndrome. After Onyx died, I kept feeling her walking on the bed, or hearing her messing around the apartment.
Dastmalchian about 2 years ago
I bet Elvis and Tabithia’s kitten (if their not nutered/spayed) will be called Tillie