I was loading up plates at an all-you-can-eat Mexican buffet. I remarked to the guy in front of me as I was waiting for him to fill his plates, “I’m scared that my Doctor is going to catch me in here. All the Doctors want us to eat is grass and weeds.” He said, “You think you got worries, I’m one of those kind of Doctors and I’m afraid one of my patients is going to catch me in here.”
Joken' over 8 years ago
You know you need to lose weight when your scale says “Ouch!”
GROG Premium Member over 8 years ago
Train him to bring you carrot and celery sticks. That’s all you should be eating.
Linguist over 8 years ago
I solved my weight watching problem. I threw away the scale !
Strider Keninginne Premium Member over 8 years ago
You know you’ve gotten heavy when your talking scale says: “Come back and one at a time, please!”
jppjr over 8 years ago
My talking scale: “One of you two get off”…..it now resides, rusting in the back yard.
Old Texan75 over 8 years ago
I was loading up plates at an all-you-can-eat Mexican buffet. I remarked to the guy in front of me as I was waiting for him to fill his plates, “I’m scared that my Doctor is going to catch me in here. All the Doctors want us to eat is grass and weeds.” He said, “You think you got worries, I’m one of those kind of Doctors and I’m afraid one of my patients is going to catch me in here.”
Jim Kerner over 8 years ago
I think that’s Morse Code. But, I can’t translate it.
Get fuzzy 4527 over 8 years ago
Tried every way to spell but cannot decipher. W8ISK
wiatr over 8 years ago
My son does it one dozen at a time.
neverenoughgold over 8 years ago
This is why I rarely eat at a casino buffet…
That, and the food is not really that good!