Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for August 06, 2010

  1. Missing large
    Edcole1961  over 14 years ago

    Oh, no. I sense a troll stampede on its way.

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  2. Keithmoon
    Wildcard24365  over 14 years ago


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  3. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago
    No. 999

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  4. Img00025
    babka Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Tell it! oh yes!!!! - native New Yorker.

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  5. Speechless deluxe
    Finbar Gurdy Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Hey Ruben, did you get these from Wikileaks?

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  6. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member over 14 years ago

    edcole, well, so far - so good 
I visited the comments section here with a touch of trepidation and curiosity as to how this cartoon would be ‘received’ by our defenders of liberty and christianity (the afore mentioned trolls) but , so far, not much. maybe they are gathering their wits or are still trying to shake off the shock and indignation of being assaulted when all they had in mind was truth, justice and the american way. I’m sure that in time our expectations will be realized. after all, SOMEbody has to defend denying health care cost to the first responders and shifting the reason for invading Iraq from WMD’s to freeing Iraqis from oppression (with a straight face, no less!) and christian leaders blaming 911 on ‘immorality’ and anti-christian groups (send in your pledge of $100 or more so we can continue our ministry) and that the entire muslim world is responsible for the actions of a few

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  7. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Is Nighthawks mocking truth, justice, and the American way? I hope not.

    As a frequent defender of liberty here, I would state that I loathe Christianity and Islam equally. But at least Christianity was de-fanged by the Enlightenment and the Constitution, while Islam, at least where Sharia rules, is as backwards – and dangerous – as Christianity was during the Dark Ages.

    I’m still waiting to hear unqualified condemnation of the crimes of fanatical Islam from more than a handful of Muslims. The silence has been deafening.

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    oneoldhat  over 14 years ago

    i see ruben likes bad things to happen to USA

    NYC needs a memorial to islam martyrs

    pass benefits to first responders but leave out the other trash

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  9. Angry baby
    drtom01  over 14 years ago

    I totally find it amazing that people go on and on about freedom of speech and religion. Then attempt to deny the Muslims the same rights they demand for themselves.

    I also agree with pschearer about Islam. The fact that votaries of the religion mix the government with the religion will always lead to situations like in Iran. Where to be against the government is the be against God or so say the leaders. That and the appaling lack of tolerance built into the Islam makes the entire religion an anathema to me personally

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    Estproph  over 14 years ago

    To those who believe that Christianity is somewhat more tolerant or ‘safe’ than Islam, I respectfully ask you get the opinion of Dr. Tiller on the matter.

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  11. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  over 14 years ago

    C’mon, be serious people.

    Those who believe in our Constitution; You have nothing to say.

    Those who want their fundie christian beliefs to trump our Constitution: You have no argument.

    Which are you?

    (But who am I kidding
the usual GoComics far-right-wing-posters are already running far, far away from this comic.)

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  12. Vh bluehat back
    vhammon  over 14 years ago

    The Republicans who took down the bill to provide health care benefits to 9-11 first responders because it was paid for by closing a tax loophole for foreign corporations should be ashamed.

    And, the Democrats who used a procedure that blocks amendments to bills, but requires a 2/3 majority should be ashamed for their cowardice and willingness to put political considerations above principal.

    I agree with John Stewart: I give up.—9-11-responders-bill?xrs=eml_tds

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    crmorris1957 Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Chikuku, I’m no Palin supporter, but Bambi tastes good when he’s fried up just right.

    And a few other thoughts: I will not deny the Constitutional rights of others when I demand them for myself. Also, I rebuke anyone who whines that “you can put up a mosque on Ground Zero when we can build a church at Mecca.” I don’t live in Saudi Arabia. I don’t give a tinker’s d@mn what they do “over there.” I care about what WE do HERE.

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  14. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  over 14 years ago

    vhammon, you said it all.

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  15. Bugs1
    Paul1969  over 14 years ago

    Um, aircraft-engineer, a “Custer style Indian” would be one who was overwhelmingly victorious. Are you SURE that’s what you want? I have a feeling you were thinking of a quote attributed to (and denied by) General Phil Sheridan: “The only good Indian is a dead Indian.”

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  16. Exploding human fat bombs hedge 060110
    Charles Brobst Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Remember in November who denied health benefits to first responders.

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  17. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  over 14 years ago

    Health benefits that would have been paid for by closing a loophole for income earned in America by foreign corporations.

    Seems the Republicans will always put corporations first, even when it means putting foreign corporations ahead of American heroes.

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  18. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  over 14 years ago

    Based on what your first sentence adds to the discussion, no, I don’t think you need to say any more, Jim.

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  19. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  over 14 years ago

    I’m pretty sure I already answered that, although perhaps not with small enough words.

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  20. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  over 14 years ago

    Give me a hint, Tackleberry, so I can get down to your level.

    Why would I, an atheist who supports the US Constitution, want to move to a religious fundamentalist state?

    Remember, science flew us to the moon. Religious fundamentalists flew us into buildings.

    I look forward to your reply
but I’m not holding my breath.

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  21. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  over 14 years ago

    So they can get better prepared for the Crusades?

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  22. Missing large
    tobybartels  over 14 years ago

    Congrats, Anthony!

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  23. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  over 14 years ago

    Jim J., I realize this isn’t your style, but could you say something worth responding too?

    (By the way
I get the feeling that you’re like the fundie christians
in that you feel “accusing” someone of being gay, is like the fundie christians telling someone they’re going to hell
if the recipient doesn’t believe in that hell
or doesn’t consider being gay a derogatory condition
your statement isn’t going to have the desired effect.)

    Just giving you some pointers, as you obviously need them.

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    tobybartels  over 14 years ago

    Anti-fanatical Muslims are often quiet because it’s dangerous to be too loud. Christianity also went through this phase. But Voltaire could leave the country when it got too hot for him, while the extremists’ reach today is global.

    This point is made here. This article also ends with a good list of Muslims who condemn the fanatics (although some are actually former Muslims, and some are merely secular groups who haven’t condemned anything, so it’s a little hard to parse the list).

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    tobybartels  over 14 years ago


    Here’s a working Daily Show link.

    The code is [working Daily Show link](—9-11-responders-bill?xrs=eml_tds).

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  26. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  over 14 years ago

    Jim, it’s merely a way of responding when one doesn’t feel threatened when a stranger calls one “gay”.

    If you respond differently, perhaps it’s time for a little introspection?

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  27. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 14 years ago

    Gee, I’m not too bright but I thought the Mosque had been settled. So every body’s point is? Oh, someone may have had the audacity to disagree with the Daily Worker. But if the Mosque is going to be built, you are screaming why? Did America work? Did the First Amendment stand?You are mad because a Mosque that some did not want is being built. DUH? Our Constitution stood. I suppose we could repress all right leaning speech. Is that what the left wants? One Party. Like a certain left leaning country last century. Wonder what happened to them?

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  28. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  over 14 years ago

    Why do you say “is that what the left wants”, Lew?

    It has been my impression, perhaps incorrect, that most of the outcry over the mosque has been coming from the right
as the comic alludes.

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    MattNYC  over 14 years ago

    F-ing Brilliant, Ruben!

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  30. June 27th 2009   wwcd
    BrianCrook  over 14 years ago

    When Tom The Dancing Bug is good, then it is really good. This is an excellent skewering of how the bigoted regressives will try to use Ground Zero.

    Pschearer, I am no more pro-religion than are you. It is one of our few areas of common ground, but I must tell you that millions of Muslims condemn fanatics who use Islam for violent attacks. Indeed, I would hazard that at least as high a percentage of Muslims condemn violence as Christians fanatics who use Christianity for violent attacks. Bush-Dick hid behind Christianity to slaughter Iraqis, but I heard very little from Christian churches.

    Chikuku, I love your idea. The Taliban were fanatics of the lowest form. Thinking of how they treated beautiful works of art & how they treated women makes me shudder.

    Morris, good words.

    Cessna, I think that they like to twist their own panties (see Lew, for instance).

    Today is August 8th, the 36th anniversary of Richard Nixon’s resignation. It should be a national holiday. August does not have any national holidays, after all.

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  31. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 14 years ago

    Tricky Dick, the man who filled his promise to get us out of SE Asia? The man who opened relations with China? Oh, he got caught defending the little men who pulled a cheap political trick.Boy, I’m glad other politicians don’t play tricks. .

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  32. June 27th 2009   wwcd
    BrianCrook  over 14 years ago

    Wow, Lew, you better do some research on the Nixon years and the extent of his criminality, not to mention the thousands of Cambodian & Vietnamese men, women, & children he slaughtered as he falteringly brought that dreadful war to an end.

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  33. Missing large
    tobybartels  over 14 years ago

    Tricky Dick, the man who filled his promise to get us out of SE Asia? The man who opened relations with China?

    Yeah! Also the man who founded the Environmental Protection Agency. And the man who imposed federally mandated wages and prices to counteract inflation.

    Yet people keep calling Obama a socialist???

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  34. June 27th 2009   wwcd
    BrianCrook  over 14 years ago

    Speaking of Richard Nixon, did everyone catch that President Obama re-instated the stars of John D. Lavelle, stars that he lost, because Lew & JimJam’s beloved Nixon hung him out to dry?: “Obama wants to reinstate Air Force major general demoted for Vietnam airstrikes in 1972”

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  35. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  over 14 years ago

    Wow, Jim. As a conservative Nixon supporter, are you sure you really want to go up against the Stars And Stripes?

    A story that begins, “An Air Force general who was wrongly accused of launching unauthorized airstrikes against North Vietnam, relieved of command and demoted to a two-star general has been vindicated nearly 40 years later.”

    And you’re willing to kick this guy in the teeth simply because of your blind hatred of Obama?

    Don’t expect your fellow conservatives to come rushing to your side on this one, Bubba.

    Here’s a response in the Stars And Stripes article: “Notice that a liberal black President acted immediately to clear this war hero’s name as soon as he had been informed. This is a good thing for Levelle’s family. I just hope the political right will know how to handle this correctly. Certainly one or two GOP politicians will say something absolutely stupid and disrespectful about this, since they hate the President so much, and that is a shame. On this issue, there should be 100% unanimity within the US congress.”

    Guess you’re a member of the political right who doesn’t have a clue how to handle it. Does it bother you that you said, “something absolutely stupid and disrespectful about this, since they hate the President so much, and that is a shame”?

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  36. Missing large
    tobybartels  over 14 years ago

    This is interesting:

    The airstrikes came at time when President Nixon had halted most bombing during peace negotiations, prompting [Lavelle’s] demotion.

    So Nixon, in order to appease our Communist enemies, lied about a brave American general, and Obama is finally setting the record right. Obama the true-blue American patriot; Nixon the left-wing un-American traitor. It gets clearer and clearer every day!

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  37. June 27th 2009   wwcd
    BrianCrook  over 14 years ago

    Toby, you got most of it right: President Obama is a true-blue American patriot, and Richard Nixon was not, but he was hardly a left-wing traitor, nor was he “appeasing Communist enemies”. He was, as he did for years, while perpetuating & extending the Vietnam War, trying to have it both ways: calling for airstrikes, then denying that he had so as to not lose ground at the bargaining table. Nixon was a traitor to the truth and a terrible, corrupt, criminal representative of America, and 36 years ago, the system worked, and we got rid of him. It’s too bad that it had such holes in it that he could name his own successor.

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  38. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  over 14 years ago

    Yeah, this must have taken Obama at least 5 minutes.

    Looks like that Stars And Stripes letter-writer was talking about you, Jim:

    “Guess you’re a member of the political right who doesn’t have a clue how to handle it. Does it bother you that you said, “something absolutely stupid and disrespectful about this, since they hate the President so much, and that is a shame”?”

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  39. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  over 14 years ago

    But don’t you agree that they have a right to build the mosque?

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  40. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  over 14 years ago

    ^ Huh?

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  41. June 27th 2009   wwcd
    BrianCrook  over 14 years ago

    I am sorry, Soldierboy, (and impressed) that your remark is, beginning to end, misinformation. Please require accuracy from yourself before you write again.

    So far, over these last two days, what have we established? (1) That there is no legitimate reason to prevent the Cordoba Initiative and the American Society for Muslim Advancement from building its community center on Park Place, two blocks north of Ground Zero; and (2) That President Obama rectified an injustice caused by Richard Nixon’s cravenness almost forty years ago.

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  42. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  over 14 years ago

    Nope. Worst president ever is still the guy that handed Obama the mess we’re in today.

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  43. Missing large
    tobybartels  over 14 years ago

    Those frigging Republicans keep wanting to pay for stuff without increasing the deficit.

    No, they don’t! That’s just an excuse that they use to justify voting against domestic spending. The proof is that they don’t apply this reasoning to either tax cuts or military spending. It’s a pretty transparent lie, actually.


    America’s best ex-President! Seriously.

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  44. June 27th 2009   wwcd
    BrianCrook  over 14 years ago

    JimJam, I can’t believe that you still support Bush-Dick. Can you point to any reasons to rank him above the bottom of the barrel?

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