And neither is having gone to Baylor after the sexual misconduct problems they’ve had with football players there. I couldn’t believe it when I read that Ken Starr is the school president. Now THERE’s a guy who knows how to work his way around sexual misconduct charges, although defending people against them is probably new territory for him.
so whose idea was it to waste a first round draft choice on johnny football?I am fairly sure it wasn’t the coach or the GM.Ya know, ol jonny reminds me of previous Heisman winners who became total flops when introduced to actual NFL play.And there were a couple, like guy from Boston College, not drafted, played in Canada, killed them-won the Gray Cup-. Then went to Buffalo. And it was the same daft idiot head coach who was later fired from Dallas. The kid to short to play QB in the NFL came in after #1 QB injured-I believe he could not get out of his own way. Kid from Canadian and BC comes in and gets the team into the playoffs. So you would think that coach would continue to party with him who brung them, but no, the idiot coach went back to the QB who had not played for half the year, and had been losing before that. So of course, the 1st string that had otta been 3rd string, started, and to little surprise, lost. and the coach was fired for being an idiot
Polsixe almost 9 years ago
No no carry on, I missed that reference to Sub-what?
buschap almost 9 years ago
@Polsixe, being a spokesperson for Subway isn’t a marker of a squeaky clean image after Jared.
Guilty Bystander almost 9 years ago
And neither is having gone to Baylor after the sexual misconduct problems they’ve had with football players there. I couldn’t believe it when I read that Ken Starr is the school president. Now THERE’s a guy who knows how to work his way around sexual misconduct charges, although defending people against them is probably new territory for him.
Linguist almost 9 years ago
Cleveland deserves RGIII !
MS72 almost 9 years ago
no, Cleveland deserves better.
timbob2313 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
so whose idea was it to waste a first round draft choice on johnny football?I am fairly sure it wasn’t the coach or the GM.Ya know, ol jonny reminds me of previous Heisman winners who became total flops when introduced to actual NFL play.And there were a couple, like guy from Boston College, not drafted, played in Canada, killed them-won the Gray Cup-. Then went to Buffalo. And it was the same daft idiot head coach who was later fired from Dallas. The kid to short to play QB in the NFL came in after #1 QB injured-I believe he could not get out of his own way. Kid from Canadian and BC comes in and gets the team into the playoffs. So you would think that coach would continue to party with him who brung them, but no, the idiot coach went back to the QB who had not played for half the year, and had been losing before that. So of course, the 1st string that had otta been 3rd string, started, and to little surprise, lost. and the coach was fired for being an idiot