Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for May 30, 2016

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    BE THIS GUY  almost 9 years ago

    Calvin has an innocent mind?

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    bigcatbusiness  almost 9 years ago

    Don’t worry Calvin. I don’t think she will risk people thinking she is crazy.

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    orinoco womble  almost 9 years ago

    A successful rumour contains elements that lend it credence, or plays on the beliefs or desires of those it is spread to/by. Such as the “moon landing was a hoax” rumour among older folks in the 1970s.It gained credence among those who either didn’t believe it could be done, or didn’t want it to be done.

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    RH3  almost 9 years ago

    I have to confess that my late brother and I were responsible for the idea of the moon landing being a hoax. We were in our early twenties at the time. One of my parents’ friends was very impressed by it (and so were we) but we teased him by putting together – ex tempore – a pretty good argument for it being a hoax. I have no idea how our joke spread from Australia to the rest of the world.

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    eddodt  almost 9 years ago

    nah, he’s just another progressive.

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    sandpiper  almost 9 years ago

    Got to go with Calvin. After all, look at the candidates we have to choose from: Hilly and Slick Willy vs Trump the Lump. All mentally off-world.

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    Chad Cheetah  almost 9 years ago

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    Chad Cheetah  almost 9 years ago

    Just change “Spiff” to “Calvin” for this strip.

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    belgarathmth  almost 9 years ago

    Wouldn’t Calvin’s detachment from reality get him labeled “autistic” nowadays? Or at least ADHD. They’d probably drug him into a stupor. I think we’re making medical diagnoses and drugging kids nowadays for things that are really just normal childhood behavior.

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    crabbear  almost 9 years ago

    America lost it’s mind about the time JFK was murdered and now any thing goes!!!

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    gantech  almost 9 years ago

    One thing about that Susie…she sure can keep a secret.

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    Ken in Ohio  almost 9 years ago

    Last week was the story about Hobbes getting dragged off by a dog and ending up in Susie’s tea party. I thought I remembered at least one strip where Calvin talks to Hobbes about it afterward; Hobbes tells Calvin why he stayed at the tea party and didn’t try to escape. Or was that another story that comes later?

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    neverenoughgold  almost 9 years ago

    I was sure of this when I was Calvin’s age.

    Still fairly certain in some school districts…

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    Guilty Bystander  almost 9 years ago

    Khrushchev was right…not a single shot fired.

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    maxpower44  almost 9 years ago

    well…… when she is president and calvin is still swinging around in his tarzan like underwear she will value that information.

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    zeexenon  almost 9 years ago

    Ah! From the original Commie Manifesto, ISN-666. Spreading the word of truth and justice and fanning the flames of discontent.

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    Susie Derkins :D  almost 9 years ago

    Case closed.

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  18. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  almost 9 years ago

    I see this all the time in adults called “paranoid schizophrenic”. But perhaps they have merely retained their age-six imaginations?

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    Number Three  almost 9 years ago

    She ain’t buying it!


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    mattro65  almost 9 years ago

    Thanks for the clarification yesterday.

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    !!IceFire!!  almost 9 years ago

    Susie sure gets to learn a lot of life-skills by being a “friend” of Calvin

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    rgcviper  almost 9 years ago

    Still missing our commentator friend Hobbes, wherever he/she may be. Hope to see you again soon, buddy.

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