Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for May 19, 2016

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    BE THIS GUY  almost 9 years ago

    As I walk through this worldNothing can stop the Duke of EarlAnd you, you are my girlNo one can hurt you, oh, no

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    cripplious  almost 9 years ago

    At least we now see the final evidence to prove some people shouldnt have money.

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    wmwiii Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    All together now -

    Earl, Earl, EarlEarl of Duke, Earl, EarlEarl of Duke, Earl, EarlEarl of Duke, Earl, Earl……….

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    cripplious  almost 9 years ago

    Heres GT channeling Trump through Bernie.

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    Jogger2  almost 9 years ago

    Dukedoms are reserved for relatives of the royal family.

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    David Rickard Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    You could start an ISP, Zonker, and become the Duke of URL.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 9 years ago

    “And is a man like Trump, with infinitely greater power in his hands, likely to become more humble, more judicious, more generous, less vengeful than he is today, than he has been his whole life? *Does vast power un-corrupt?.“This is how fascism comes to America, not with jackboots and salutes (although there have been salutes, and a whiff of violence) but with a television huckster, a phony billionaire, a textbook egomaniac “tapping into” popular resentments and insecurities, and with an entire national political party — out of ambition or blind party loyalty, or simply out of fear — falling into line behind him.”..As best I have been able to tell, there was never one, single, agreed-upon definition of “fascism”. That is his take on things too:“This phenomenon has arisen in other democratic and quasi-democratic countries over the past century, and it has generally been called “fascism.” Fascist movements, too, had no coherent ideology, no clear set of prescriptions for what ailed society. “National socialism” was a bundle of contradictions, united chiefly by what, and who, it opposed; fascism in Italy was anti-liberal, anti-democratic, anti-Marxist, anti-capitalist and anti-clerical. Successful fascism was not about policies but about the strongman, the leader (Il Duce, Der Fuhrer), in whom could be entrusted the fate of the nation. ".So maybe we can rename it Trumpism since he loves putting his name on things. (Maybe he’ll kill us last.)

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Or the Duke of Earl? Fifties flashback!

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    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    The Earl of Duke is a superb pun. Even though this would be an extraordinarily long set-up to get to it.

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  10. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    All of the above commentary on fascism is fascinating and enlightening. I’ve been referring to the Repugs as fascists since W annexed the White House, but clearly without the historical background to support the appellation.

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    UpaCoCoCreek Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    So close Curtis, so close.

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