worst than this in the 80’s was the cable going out. I remember watching the john Wayne movie “The Horse soldiers.” it’s the climax of the film. the enemy are closing in. there’s only one way out, a narrow bridge and rebel guns are covering it.
The colours are uncased. Sabres drawn, the bugler is seen against the sky line, he started to blow charge. The horses start forward, the guns start firing, the horses first hoof hits the bridge and…THE FREAKING CABLE WENT OUT AND IT WAS THREE YEARS BEFORE I FOUND OUT HOW THE MOVIE ENDED.
Wizard of Ahz-no relation over 4 years ago
worst than this in the 80’s was the cable going out. I remember watching the john Wayne movie “The Horse soldiers.” it’s the climax of the film. the enemy are closing in. there’s only one way out, a narrow bridge and rebel guns are covering it.
The colours are uncased. Sabres drawn, the bugler is seen against the sky line, he started to blow charge. The horses start forward, the guns start firing, the horses first hoof hits the bridge and…THE FREAKING CABLE WENT OUT AND IT WAS THREE YEARS BEFORE I FOUND OUT HOW THE MOVIE ENDED.
mjagey over 4 years ago
And Yaz’s grandson is playing today.
Bob Blumenfeld over 4 years ago
An inside-the-park homer, about the most exciting hit there is to watch.
MCProfessor over 4 years ago
Time for penguin pot pie.
Ka`ōnōhi`ula`okahōkūmiomio`ehiku Premium Member over 4 years ago
Poor Steve…
Bill D. Kat Premium Member over 4 years ago
Hmmm… is that a spelling error? The Boston great’s name was actually Yastrzemski aka Yaz.
bunrabbit99 over 4 years ago
sox win!
Scoutmaster77 over 4 years ago
At least it was something worthwhile…
pamela welch Premium Member over 4 years ago
And this was long before the days of replays on video — poor Steve; it’s about the only time I’m ever sorry for him.
Sisyphos over 4 years ago
Some penguin is in deep trouble with Steve Dallas, if Steve ever comes out of his stupor….