No, it was ancient Cleveland.
Harelipped, not Hairlipped, unless he was the possessor of a moustache of course… Also are the Armadillos albino, or is the herder?
Could be worse, he may have been the armadillo.
Might be a fight between Tina and Shirley for bragging rights on the Egyptian thing. Shirley also thought she had been Cleopatra.
In the former life you are always royalty, never peasantry
I did a past lives regression once – after a couple dozen penniless poor peasants living short brutish lives, I threw in the towel.
Ahem, “hare-lipped”
Spirits of ancient Egypt?
Shades of ancient Rome.
May God have mercy on Dad Binkley! His son is looney-tunes!
Berkeley Breathed
Chithing over 3 years ago
No, it was ancient Cleveland.
Dobby53 Premium Member over 3 years ago
starfighter441 over 3 years ago
Harelipped, not Hairlipped, unless he was the possessor of a moustache of course… Also are the Armadillos albino, or is the herder?
A Hip loving Canadian... over 3 years ago
Could be worse, he may have been the armadillo.
Bob Blumenfeld over 3 years ago
Might be a fight between Tina and Shirley for bragging rights on the Egyptian thing. Shirley also thought she had been Cleopatra.
mindjob over 3 years ago
In the former life you are always royalty, never peasantry
johnec over 3 years ago
I did a past lives regression once – after a couple dozen penniless poor peasants living short brutish lives, I threw in the towel.
RevvieQuar over 3 years ago
Ahem, “hare-lipped”
PuppyPapa over 3 years ago
Spirits of ancient Egypt?
Shades of ancient Rome.
Sisyphos over 3 years ago
May God have mercy on Dad Binkley! His son is looney-tunes!