Translated: “My mom is moving out of Opus’ bedroom, and I need someone to clean the dishes, scrub the toilets, clean my clothes, and do other things my mother would wash my mouth out with soap for. And Lanie, when I explain it like that, it almost doesn’t even seem misogynistic. So how could you refuse an offer like that! And BTW… Bill the Cat, and Opus are going to live with us.”
Ravenswing about 3 years ago
Steve Dallas spawning. “FLEE!!!”
hariseldon59 about 3 years ago
Bill the Cat’s Oyster Bar?
hariseldon59 about 3 years ago
What’s Opus doing in the bottom left of the first panel? And whose picture is on the wall?
Bullet Bronson Premium Member about 3 years ago
Now I’m totally confused. HIS biological clock is ticking?
Bob Blumenfeld about 3 years ago
“Bill the Cat’s Oyster Bar”?
mkaywil23 about 3 years ago
Is opus that nosy? Just imagine if he started sharing this on his instaclam. Maybe sharing to a few of his followers.
mrwalker008 about 3 years ago
Melania in five years.
smsrt about 3 years ago
Translated: “My mom is moving out of Opus’ bedroom, and I need someone to clean the dishes, scrub the toilets, clean my clothes, and do other things my mother would wash my mouth out with soap for. And Lanie, when I explain it like that, it almost doesn’t even seem misogynistic. So how could you refuse an offer like that! And BTW… Bill the Cat, and Opus are going to live with us.”
schaefer jim about 3 years ago
Damn if I know!
Rae Suzanne about 3 years ago
When was Bill the Cat oyster bar built?
Sisyphos about 3 years ago
Where, oh where, is the Bill the Cat Oyster Bar?
And who is Lanie? Does “dating for 20 minutes” count as a quickie?