Before I finished high school I was really sweet on a girl called Sue. I was round at her parents place chatting with her mom and her. At one point I mentioned I had a place to study astrophysics at the University of London. Her mom immediately said I should meet her friend who did horoscopes. Realising she did not know the difference between astrophysics and astrology, I stopped my interest in her daughter, the genes would probably run true.
As an undergraduate (a few millennia ago…) I was an assistant in astronomy. That had me working both with other students and at at “guest nights” at a major observatory. Both groups had a lot of people who thought astronomy was somehow about astrology. I could deal with them somewhat peaceably, while trying to correct them, but my boss went up in flames whenever he saw that.
When I was an undergraduate (shortly after the Big Bang) I was an assistant in astronomy. The university hired some local young women to take inventory in all the departments. My boss and I were slightly amused but mostly sickened that the young women assigned to our department filled out all the cards for “our” department naming it astrology.I don’t know what they had learned already, they were then in the 11th or 12th grade in high school, but it was clearly not science!
robertthomasson Premium Member 4 months ago
Before I finished high school I was really sweet on a girl called Sue. I was round at her parents place chatting with her mom and her. At one point I mentioned I had a place to study astrophysics at the University of London. Her mom immediately said I should meet her friend who did horoscopes. Realising she did not know the difference between astrophysics and astrology, I stopped my interest in her daughter, the genes would probably run true.
einarbt 4 months ago
Sweet dreams Opus.
markkahler52 4 months ago
Venus conjunct Pluto in transit usually causes a turn in the intensity of love relationships
mindjob 4 months ago
It turns out Pluto is the planetoid of love
Heelboy 12 4 months ago
Did you meet Brian May?
aerotica69 4 months ago
My daily horoscope has never run true. On the other hand, I exhibit every characteristic associated with my sign.
joannesshadow 4 months ago
Shakespeare said it best: The fault lies not in our stars, but in ourselves.
RobinHood 4 months ago
Back when Pluto was a planet.
BW42 4 months ago
As an undergraduate (a few millennia ago…) I was an assistant in astronomy. That had me working both with other students and at at “guest nights” at a major observatory. Both groups had a lot of people who thought astronomy was somehow about astrology. I could deal with them somewhat peaceably, while trying to correct them, but my boss went up in flames whenever he saw that.
eddi-TBH 4 months ago
Ronnie ruled by the stars. And got two terms. Maybe there is something to this astrology stuff.
BW42 4 months ago
When I was an undergraduate (shortly after the Big Bang) I was an assistant in astronomy. The university hired some local young women to take inventory in all the departments. My boss and I were slightly amused but mostly sickened that the young women assigned to our department filled out all the cards for “our” department naming it astrology.I don’t know what they had learned already, they were then in the 11th or 12th grade in high school, but it was clearly not science!