Phoebe: HA! Check! My queen has your king trapped!
Marigold: You mean your PAWN?
Phoebe: That's cheating. You should just lose gracefully.
Marigold: My cheating is just as graceful.
Phoebe: Daaaaad, Marigold's morphing your chess guys again!
Averagemoe almost 9 years ago
To fix this, Phoebe must move a pawn to Marigold’s side of the board.
Templo S.U.D. almost 9 years ago
Is there anything a human can do that doesn’t involve unicorn magic?
A R V reader almost 9 years ago
Unicorns are sore losers.
Rhetor almost 9 years ago
Judging from what we see on the board, Phoebe ist still about to win easily.Marigold has only the king and one knight left, and if she moves either of them, Phoebe will – unmagically – turn a pawn into a new queen. That, plus the rook/castle in the last row, will ensure check mate in a few moves.
WaitingMan almost 9 years ago
When setting up a chessboard, the white squares go in the right hand corners. Look it up, it’s in the official rules of the game. Today’s nitpicking is brought to you by WaitingMan Industries.
Wichita1.0 almost 9 years ago
Why didn’t anyone tell me of this option when I was a kid? Mmmphh. Ow! I-I think I popped a vein of pulled something. I must be doing it wrong…
Hag5000 almost 9 years ago
I wouldn’t be able to stay mad at Marigold’s smile in panel 3.
jodudeit almost 9 years ago
Even if it WAS a pawn, the king only has one move, but is not in check, since the rook is over there on the left. All Phoebe has to do is have the king move, and she’ll get her queen back anyway.
Clearstream almost 9 years ago
Even unicorns must bow down to the almighty power of the Dad. Nice thinking Phoebe.
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Oh boy.
Enter.Name.Here almost 9 years ago
Friends do not cheat friends. Marigold owes Phoebe an apology.
imjustlurking over 8 years ago
In Roger Zelazny’s “Unicorn Variation”, a human played Tlingel the unicorn to a draw, although the human had coaching help from a sasquatch.
RalphZIggy over 8 years ago
take Phoebe to a casino, morphing cards can be profitable
Kark_The_Red_Canadian_Dragon 9 months ago
Phoebe’s dad: That’s good! She’s ready to graduate to three dimensional chess!