Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for May 22, 2016
Lupin: Elvis has put in the bedroom and that can mean only one thing... Lupin: Company! Book Store Woman: ... I've been thinking about Beatrix since my last visit. Woman: She's great, right? Beatrix: Hi! Puck: Puck here, live from under the table. Lupin: I've gone invisible to get closer to the story! Book Store Woman: I need a book store cat. Duties include greeting guests, overseeing day to day operations and light rodent security. What do you say? are you up for it? Beatrix: A full time position? IN THIS ECONOMY?! Beatrix: And I'm already acquainted with the local rodent criminal masterminds! Book Store Woman: Are you sure? Woman: Yeah... We're only supposed to have two cats in this apartment as it is. We had to get special permission for Lupin. (SNAP, CRASH) Woman: And Lupin's like owning five cats. Lupin: WHAT HAPPENED? Book Store Woman: Well... She won't be far! And I'd still need you to watch when I go out of town? Woman: It's a deal! I'll call our friend at Quinn Shelter to make it official! Book Store Woman: Pending Trevor agrees, of course. Elvis: Elvis, live from the bedroom where I am typing an excellent letter of recommendation... Elvis: But the inferior screen keeps going blurry.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Dear Sweet Elvis, dry your tears sweetie, she isn’t far away. Maybe the Woman will take you guys to visit.
BassetLove almost 9 years ago
Invisible Lupin is the best thing ever :D but oh, those inferior screens sniffle curse them for being so blurry
dadoctah almost 9 years ago
What happened, Lupin, is that you weigh five times as much as normal when you’re invisible.
Kim Metzger Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I’ll bet a lot of people reading today’s strip are having problems with blurry screens right now.
deadheadzan almost 9 years ago
Elvis is an old softy but Bea is really excited about permanent employment! Invisible Lupin is like having 5 cats! Great plot continues to unfold. All the different cats all combining for their spots as correspondents in BCN!
She Mc almost 9 years ago
Aaah we all know Trever will love her!!!
Kit Jeans almost 9 years ago
Breaking Cat News is my favorite dose of daily delight.
Krazgamer almost 9 years ago
Awww, Elvis is missing her already!
Clearstream almost 9 years ago
Aww. Elvis puts on a tough act, but we all know he’s a real softie. Think we’ll see Bea again? I may cry if we don’t.
carol yannucci Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Notice the symbol on the woman’s coffee cup in panel 3?
psharon36 almost 9 years ago
I did not notice, so I looked again. My inferior screen was going blurry as I googled Ziggy Stardust’s lightening bolt; recognized Prince’s symbol (on panel 3 coffee cups). Wonderful tribute Georgia, to two stars too quickly gone.
Jayneknox almost 9 years ago
One of my favorites.
dogday Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Oh, Elvis! It is the job of those of us with little ones to raise them up so they can leave. You know there was no holding Bea down; she hit the ground running. And, I mean, it’s a BOOK STORE!! Does it GET any better??
dogday Premium Member almost 9 years ago
With Bea’s manners, Trevor will have NO problem.
Ricky Bennett almost 9 years ago
Please please PLEASE do more invisible Lupins! I love it! The best BCN comic ever was when Lupin hid in the sink!
Banjo Gordy Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Poor Elvis in last panel. I believe he’ll really miss Beatrix
Maizing almost 9 years ago
Heh… I live in a trailer park and am technically only supposed to have two cats myself, but since all three of my cats were rescued feral cats that had already been in the park (and have now been neutered so they are no longer capable of adding to the feral population), the management won’t say anything about it.
bonita.eley almost 9 years ago
Ah, sweetie – you will see her on visits! Love these cats
smorbie the great and beautiful almost 9 years ago
Bea will sell a million books. People will flock in just to see her cute, little, polydactyl self and leave with a book. I’d go there every day.
pam Miner almost 9 years ago
Poor poorElvis. He has such a soft spot for little girl critters. He will be sad for awhile I’m sure.Lupin could almost be passed off as a bunny. As long as he doesn’t get all poofy. Never thought Lupin would be considered a handful. He seems very sensible usually.
Red Ruffensor almost 9 years ago
Beatrix walks into a bar and says, “I’d like a glass of. . . . . . . . . . . . Chardonnay, please.” The bartender says, “What’s with the big pause?”
cwesling about 7 years ago
“And Lupin’s like owning five cats” — HA! I bet he is.
Sue Ellen about 2 years ago
And thus “the inferior screen keeps going blurry” becomes part of the BCN lexicon of frequently used quotes.
kittysafe about 2 years ago
Beatrix will be missed, but clearly she was so good at everything that she overshadowed everyone else, her destiny lies elsewhere…
Avid_reader304 12 months ago
Sooooooo long!