For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for July 19, 2016

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 8 years ago

    way to think in the box, third kid

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    Alphaomega  over 8 years ago

    They are not contrite at all.Just regretful of being caught.and not seeing anything…interesting.

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    Alphaomega  over 8 years ago

    @Jiminct. An observation only. Self- flagellation would be much too harsh!Rediculous to even suggest.

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    rnrnetmails  over 8 years ago

    Been there. Done that. Been Caught. Got Whupped.

    ’Nuff said.

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    eelee  over 8 years ago

    Lynn’sNotes*This vignette had its roots in another story from my childhood:Across the lane from our house on 5th Street, lived the Doucette family. Their back yard faced ours, and Teddy Doucette was one of my adventurous buddies. His sister, Annette, was a teenager a few years older than we were, and everything she did was of great interest to us. The Doucettes had a small wartime house much like ours, but their attic had an outside access with a ladder going up to it—a wonderful place to play and hide. The floors in their house were thin and made of painted wooden slats. The attic was directly above. In the ceiling of Annette’s bedroom, a small knot had been carefully pried open, and from inside the attic, Teddy and I could spy into her room. We could see only a very small area, but the thought of watching her unseen was great fun. (Continued tomorrow).

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    sundogusa  over 8 years ago

    Back when I was in 4th grade, the lady next door used to give us a show. She would leave her curtains open. My brothers and I would stare out our window until her lights went out. I haven’t thought about that until seeing this comic. Let your imagination go wild! We had no clue what was going on. My youngest brother told our Mom. The next night the curtains were closed and as far as I can remember, never opened again!

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    summerdog86  over 8 years ago

    So it wasn’t “innocent” fun by these pre-teen boys. They did hope to see ’something".

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    David Rickard Premium Member over 8 years ago

    “It would have been worth it… if only we’d seen something!”That’s what Skinemax is for, boys….

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    Alphaomega  over 8 years ago

    @comicsssfan. Ok,so according to your latest theory,in Michigan groups of lads go out to the shores of Lake Michigan in search of birds,and any other wild life that hasn’t already been shot up,to look at,whereas in Canada they strike out on the plains and forests in search of knotholes to peep through ? Well, I guess that’s consistent with the rest of your theories!

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    hippogriff  over 8 years ago

    The only part of Canada I am familiar with is Lower Mainland (metropolitan Vancouver). You don’t need to peek in the summer, just go to Wreck Beach. Of course you will be expected to follow the undress code, but you don’t need to be sneaky about it. And yes, this was the case when the cartoon was originally written, and Lynn was originally from North Vancouver.

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    Alphaomega  over 8 years ago

    @hippogriff. That wartime house Lynn grew up in is worth a small fortune today,knotholes and all!

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    Alphaomega  over 8 years ago

    @comicssssfan. Sorry to upset your delicate sensibilities,it’s just that I’ve never seen you take the moral high ground like this before.Is it possible you’ve been misjudged comicssssfan? Do your wacky theories deserve a second look? Has every thing you’ve said been twisted around to make you look like some kind of a nutcase? Do you deserve a second chance?…NAAAHH!!!

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    anorok2  over 8 years ago

    What’s the matter with all of you!…..they’re just boys…leave then alone….just put your shades down and that’ll be it!

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    Alphaomega  over 8 years ago

    @rekam. Sorry ! I guess it’s like driving by a bad car crash.You can’t help but rubberneck a little.

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    kodj kodjin  over 8 years ago

    I remember back about 60 years ago, I was a freshman at a University ( which will remain un-named). I had a connection with an upperclassman who was majoring in Astronomy. Late one night he invited several of us guys up to the small telescope on the roof ( about 6 floors up) and swore us all to secrecy. He then lowered the scope down as far as it would go and trained it on the top floor of the new girls dorm! Very Interesting! We were all old enough and supposedly mature enough to know better-but sill; interesting!

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    Train 1911  over 8 years ago

    Get lift its only dam cartoon

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    Alphaomega  over 8 years ago

    @Night-Gaunt49. Sorry,but a theory is an unproven idea with,or without merit.His ramblings must be an attempt to make sense of his unfortunate childhood.In fact he is so delusional he now believes he is descended from royalty.I will try to ignore his ramblings in the future as you and others have suggested,since responding to him only seems to generate more theories. ( oops sorry ! )

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    Alphaomega  over 8 years ago

    @Ralph Fisher. You neads yu sum spel-chek fella!

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    Alphaomega  over 8 years ago

    @ comicsssfan. And not gender specific obviously.

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    USN1977  over 8 years ago

    “Be sure your sin will find you out” -Numbers 32:23

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    hippogriff  over 8 years ago

    Alpha omegaThe hierarchy is:idea: unsupported by anythinghypothesis: reasoned, no obvious conflicting evidenceexperiment: rigorous testing, often needing modificationtheory: survived the above, published for others to replicatelaw: theory that has been proven to apply to other worlds.

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    Alphaomega  over 8 years ago

    @hippogriff. You are right of course,but scientific theory and go-comics theory are worlds apart. Simply defined,the word theory can apply to any idea,proposition,or assumptionregardless of merit.I googled that so it’s got to be true!

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    LuvThemPluggers  over 8 years ago

    Everybody, check your dad’s bottom drawer in the bedroom.Their just might be a Playboy magazine in there one day.

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