I love this one. So simple, & powerful. They say simple creatures stick around longer, evolutionarily (like horseshoe crabs).
I love the expressions on her face, but also the look on the ticket guy’s face too, a big galoot who’s maybe had a rough life but is still moved by children’s joy and enthusiasm.
He reminds me of the character Pumbaa in the Lion Ling.
BubbleTape Premium Member over 8 years ago
the end is bitch, though. something about a shotgun and a face.
nawsa Premium Member over 8 years ago
Maybe. But Thompson wouldn’t serve well as a poster child. You do a much better version.
Chrystos B Minot Premium Member over 8 years ago
I love this one. So simple, & powerful. They say simple creatures stick around longer, evolutionarily (like horseshoe crabs).
I love the expressions on her face, but also the look on the ticket guy’s face too, a big galoot who’s maybe had a rough life but is still moved by children’s joy and enthusiasm.
He reminds me of the character Pumbaa in the Lion Ling.
Tally Ho, Gavin, & keep up the great work!
Kind&Kinder over 8 years ago
What? Are we in Vegas now?
6turtle9 over 8 years ago
She is a little young to be tripping so hard.
hippogriff over 8 years ago
ChrystosHe is also probably the one who has to make the inspection and test ride every morning. The recognition of a fellow fan.
gammaguy over 8 years ago
Fear and loathing?.No thanks. My life has no use for them.