Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for July 08, 2016

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    disinterest  over 8 years ago

    Remember folks, he would be a FOOL not to conduct these business practices when it is kinda sorta legal to do so. Everything he has done is (sort of) legal. Because he is so RICH. And he will replace Obamacare with something amazing. It will be FABULOUS, he promises you.

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  2. Donald duck2
    gmu328  over 8 years ago

    Trump’s peccadilloes are far more serious … they’re truly criminal and would do more harm to us despite what “disinterest” says above ..

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    kevin87031  over 8 years ago

    The creator of this comic has a name, it’s Ruben Bolling, and he is a serious creator, not a seriously one. Seriously, comma, why must he also include Clinton when targeting Trump?

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    androgenoide  over 8 years ago

    Sure, the Clintons are lying crooks but they are just the garden variety of lying crooks that we always have in office. Trump is a wildcard lying crook. If Clinton is elected we know that business will continue as usual (however awful that may be). If Trump is elected there’s no reason to suppose that anything will continue, usual or otherwise. Not all Trump supporters are deluded idiots. Some of them would genuinely like to see America crash and burn.

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  5. Schroeder
    Eclectic-1  over 8 years ago

    Trump shpuld take lessons from the Clintons who now post a net worth of $200,000,000. Not bad for “Public Servants”…

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    gammaguy  over 8 years ago

    If you want that sort of comic, why don’t you create it and see if GoComics will run it?.Nobody is obliged to direct their energies into making your (or my) wishes come true.

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  7. Boris badenov
    BeBadenov Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Pretty sure Pat Buchanan was the pioneer in making a bundle by running for political office and losing.

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    kapock  over 8 years ago

    I don’t think Trump will actually make money off this campaign, but he is certainly trying to cut his losses by using donations to pay back his own loans to the campaign, rather than to actually run to win.

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  9. Ken 256
    kibbage Premium Member over 8 years ago

    He is also paying himself to use his properties. Maybe if he gets paid enough he won’t have to get elected.

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    markjoseph125  over 8 years ago

    Sure has been quiet from mikep3796 for the last 16 hours…

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    markjoseph125  over 8 years ago

    From Fact Check Hillary lies 13 percent of the time. Trump lies 60 percent of the time. Hillary tells the truth 20 percent of the time, Trump tells the truth 4 percent of the time. The rest is made up by both with half truths. You Pick knowing the facts.

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    ickymungmung  over 8 years ago

    Trump may leave the country an empty hull but it will be an amazing empty hull. People tell him this all the time. It’s wonderful. Just wonderful. Beautiful. That hull will be so huge (“yuge”) it will make you proud of your country again, believe me. And he’ll make Mexico pay for it. Fantastic. Just the best empty hull.

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    leemartinlee  over 8 years ago

    You know, if this strip included the words “But wait! There’s more!” I’d really start to cringe.

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