Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for September 29, 2016
Great Imaginary Conversations conducted by Louis Maltby while walking to the library to be picked up by his mom after his clarinet lessons on Wednesdays with Thomas Jefferson Louis: you just punch in the numbers and you can talk to anyone anywhere in the world! TJ: It boggles the mind! All these marvels must free up so much time for you slaves! Louis: yeah right....we've got to have a talk about that. With his eight year old self I know you love Star Wars, but its not going to seem so cool anymore after a few years, You're going o be totally into Battlestar - Galactica! whats that? with David Wright ...And Paul Kellys like, "The throw should have gone to second loser" You're absolutely right to throw to third base, Louis. and this Kelly guy sounds like and incredible jerk! With Julia Kersten So yeah, the whole time I was ignoring you at Gregs party is because Ia actually like you! Unbelievable! I never would have guessed! I was pretty convincing...because I like you so much! With the media, after Louis imaginary heroic act, saving his school from a deranged student Louis: Thats when I knew that someone had to tackle Paul Kelly and get that AK 47!
Kip W over 8 years ago
I expect the defenders of Paul Kelly to show up here at any moment. Wait, who just said I read too many political cartoon boards?
MeGoNow Premium Member over 8 years ago
That last one was a real conversation. Problem is, Paul had just taken the AK away from the first shooter and was courageously running to the library to take on the other shooter before he could massacre the Literary Club. Was, that is, until our hero tackled him.
Linguist over 8 years ago
My imaginary conversations have always far more interesting and illuminating than my real ones.
byobg over 8 years ago
Does anyone else find the Louis Maltby comics kind of creepy because of the way they EXACTLY PORTRAY WHO THEY WERE IN SEVENTH GRADE, or is it just me? (Please God Don’t Let It Just Be Me…)
hcarpenter1 over 8 years ago
big whoop
MeGoNow Premium Member over 8 years ago
Not really. But then, I was in junior high in the 50’s. Some things were common. The distracting fantasies, for instance. Some, not so much. Louis didn’t even become aware that girls existed prior to seventh grade. Far earlier than that, we were real aware of the “others.” Much younger than that, we didn’t know exactly why we liked Annette, but we knew it was something good. Her sweater had a lot to do with it. It was different from the sweaters of the “others” in our class. But some things transcend time, so I understand Louis.
Rrhain over 8 years ago
What’s Louis doing to his clarinet case such that he needed a new one when talking to Julia and the press?.And that looks like a flute case, not a clarinet case. They’re more square..Yes, I play the clarinet. What of it?