The Buckets by Greg Cravens for September 01, 2016
So. You guys don't want to get up at this crazy hour just because school is starting, right? You parents should organize! Protest! Tell the schools you won't get up this early! We get up at this time all year. Been doin' it for years. Someday you will, too. The world is a bad, bad place.
moontime70 over 8 years ago
Welcome to the real world, Toby. Get used to it.
Doctor Toon over 8 years ago
Some days I tend to agree with Toby in the last panel
I’m off work today, the world isn’t such a bad place
david_42 over 8 years ago
My wife is studying for her CPA exams (while working VERY part-time) and her sleep schedule is totally whacked.
Kokopelli over 8 years ago
After you put in your 50 years, or so, in the working world, you can retire and sleep as late as you want.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 8 years ago
Sorry to hear that Toby.
BubbleTape Premium Member over 8 years ago
yes, sir. yes, it is.
patlaborvi over 8 years ago
I’m not a morning person so when I use to work and had to be in at 7 every morning I’d have to get up at 5 because it took me so long to do everything in the morning I needed the extra time to get everything in. Now that I’m on disability I try to get up at 7 every morning just to stay in sinc with the rest of the world, but if I don’t want to get up in the morning I just reset my alarm when it goes off and sleep in for an extra hour, or 2, or 3, or . . .
Number Three over 8 years ago
You’ve got that in one, Toby!