Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for November 05, 2016

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    mommavamp  over 8 years ago

    Why is your cat outside at all? This is never a good idea on many levels.

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    reverence  over 8 years ago

    I’m with Mommapat.

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    Andrew Sleeth  over 8 years ago

    Some kitties are more dog than cat. One of mine would sooner drink what’s left behind in the shower or sink than the high-purity filtered H2O in his bowl. Any day now, I expect to catch him slurping from the toilet bowl.

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    Steelburner Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Georgia: Please tell us you’ll publish a new book of “Breaking Cat News.” The original is terrific, but I want to have a continuance of the story.

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    Banjo Gordy Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Elvis smiling in “my theory precisely” is quite a change from his usual frown. He has it right. Our cat loves people glass water. Probably fresher. On the other hand cats love drinking water from dishes in kitchen sink.

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    halvincobbes Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Doesn’t taste like plastic

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    Queen of America  over 8 years ago

    We call it sink water. Until we got the fountain, we had to keep a dish by the bathroom sink or two of our kitties would just sit and stare at us. Never mind that there were THREE full bowls of fresh water in different places.

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    scaeva Premium Member over 8 years ago

    No, no, no, no! It’s not just water in a glass. It’s found water. Water the cats “find” themselves always tastes better, whether it’s in the glass or cup you just filled, or a puddle on the sidewalk, etc.

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    Joan32  over 8 years ago

    I Save water to flush or water the plants. My Sissy Cat always sniffs for the soapiest before trying it. She has 2 water dishes. 1 in the kitchen and 1 in the bedroom.

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    miscreant  over 8 years ago

    Even with a kitty fountain in the bathroom next to the sink, one of my girls still insists the faucet must be turned on every time someone visits the facilities. A clean fountain just isn’t good enough it must come from the source. Lucky for the cats when I changed out all the bathroom fixtures I thought of them and installed high faucets. Now it is much easier for them to get a drink without all the twisting.

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  11. Dennycrop
    Denny Wheeler Premium Member over 8 years ago

    I’ve known several cats who insisted on having a bucket or similar placed under a dripping faucet—and that’s the only water they’d drink.(fortunately for me, none of those cats was mine—mine have a sort-of fountain)

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    roberta.forbes.pyle  over 8 years ago

    I had a cat who drank from the dripping faucets any chance she got. We also had some pictures of her on the edge of the patio leaning over to catch drops of water from the oscillating sprinkler.

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    bonita.eley  over 8 years ago

    So true! My Mum’s cat Gregory used to have his own drinking glass on his space on the kitchen counter – only place he drank!

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    lemon868  over 8 years ago

    I know a cat that prefers to drink collected rain water around outside plants, if at all possible. She pretty much only goes outside for that. My cat will drink water from any bowl, hasn’t yet tried a dripping tap.

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    Dixie Lee  over 8 years ago

    So true so true. Only a person who has cats would know this. But my outside cats will drink from the horse water bucket. They don’t care where it comes from. Wally was drinking washing machine water today, and a full bowl of fresh water sitting in the deck.

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    lopaka  over 8 years ago

    I have a cat that “pawsons” me all the time by sticking his paw in the glass and licks the water off the paw.

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    farnhazenbrep  6 months ago

    I’ve had three cats who preferred drinking from the faucet over drinking from a bowl. Sigh. They’ve all passed away. And my current cat has no interest in the faucet.

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