Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for March 09, 2017
Lupin: Elvis has been put in the bedroom and that can mean only one thing... Company! Visitor: ...I've been thinking about Beatrix since my last visit. Beatrix: Hi! Woman: She's great, right? Puck: Puck here, live from under the table. Lupin: I've gone invisible to get closer to the story! Visitor: I need a book store cat. Duties include greeting guests, overseeing day to day operations and light rodent security. What do you say? Are you up for it? Beatrix: A full time position? In this economy?! And I'm already acquainted with the local rodent criminal masterminds! Visitor: Are you sure? Woman: Yeah...we're only supposed to have two cats in this apartment as it is. We had to get special permission for Lupin. And Lupin's like owning five cats. Lupin: What happened? Visitor: Well...She won't be far! And I'd still need you to watch her when I go out of town? Woman: It's a deal! I'll call our friend at Quinn Shelter to make it official! Visitor: Pending Trevor agrees, or course. Elvis: Elvis, live from the bedroom where I am typing an excellent letter of recommendation...but the inferior screen keeps going blurry.
kittymelonmeow about 8 years ago
Elvis!Don’t put your face to near the screen you’re gonna be BLIND!
Kim Metzger Premium Member about 8 years ago
And, again, a lot of the people reading this strip will have similarly blurry screens.
comic4matt about 8 years ago
Ohhh poor Elvis! I understand… My screen gets blurry too…
Ruth Brown about 8 years ago
I love Elvis.
stairsteppublishing about 8 years ago
Old softy.
The Pro from Dover about 8 years ago
What kind of cat is Beatrix again?
Gloria Fleming about 8 years ago
funny, how inferior my screen is this morning too.
saxie5 about 8 years ago
Aw, Elvis.
Denny Wheeler Premium Member about 8 years ago
Note the mugs used by The Woman and the bookstore lady. Prince and David Bowie.
And, I’m in no doubt that having Lupin is like owning/being owned by five cats.
deadheadzan about 8 years ago
Poor Elvis, he’s such a softy where Bea is concerned! But she won’t be far so don’t fret too much.
SunflowerGirl100 about 8 years ago
Bea is so happy! She loves the idea of being a bookstore cat – but then, she loves everything she does!
A R V reader about 8 years ago
Could Trevor be that dog who hangs out with Burt? I don’t believe his name was ever mentioned.
Sabrina17 about 8 years ago
Didn’t catch the mugs; good call!Yeah, I too have a blurry screen. Called IT; they said a tissue usually takes care of that problem.
jlmjdm60 about 8 years ago
Did anyone here ever read about DEWEY-THE LIBRARY CAT?? Great story about a great cat that was left in a library book drop in sub freezing weather and spent his 19 years as THE LIBRARY CAT!! Sequel-DEWEY’S NINE LIVES, another great book!!
T_Lexi about 8 years ago
=D That falling shelf certainly took care of Lupin’s invisibility cloak! Poor Elvis; such a big hearted boy.
ladykat Premium Member about 8 years ago
I, too, have a blurry screen. Dear Elvis, such a tough meanie on the outside and such a marshmallow on the inside.
Lady Bri about 8 years ago
Elvis is a darling—he doesn’t write a letter of recommendation for just anyone . . Beatrix is his prodigy. :) I just love it when Lupin goes invisible! I want one of those Lupin invisible pillows. :D When I get my bonus at work in September, definitely ordering one of those!
poppet bear about 8 years ago
Love the innocence of Lupin at knocking the shelf down, it couldn’t possibly have been anything to do with him :-)
Ricky Bennett about 8 years ago
Invisible Lupin again! Yaay!
serenasakitty about 8 years ago
Beatrix is sooo cute. Everyone is really going to miss her. And Lupin’s puffy tail.
dogday Premium Member about 8 years ago
There, there, Elvis. Seeing them grow up and out is hard, but you got to be a big cat and made your way in the world. Look how well THAT worked out! And Beatrix will be, to use the phrase our UK friends are fond of, BRILLIANT!
Zev about 8 years ago
And now we will have the adventures of Beatrix and Trevor. My guess is Trevor is a very very large dog. Hilarity ensues.
bonita.eley about 8 years ago
Ah, poor sweetie – I have had many cases of screen-blur over my years with beloved cats and dogs!
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 8 years ago
Amazing how many people, all of a sudden, discovered they they need cheaters.
KristineKuhns over 7 years ago
I do love Beatrix’s Peter Pan collar.