Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for December 11, 2016

  1. Blue butterfly1
    psharon36  about 8 years ago

    Sweet Elvis…

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    stairsteppublishing  about 8 years ago

    Siamese are wonderful baby sitters. A friend brought her four week old to show off. We went in the living room, Siamese came in and it was obvious he wanted us to go in the other room. The baby had awakened and the Siamese wanted us to know.

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    RH3  about 8 years ago

    Another baby! Where do those things come from?

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    RH3  about 8 years ago

    More duties for Elvis!

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  5. Littloopy
    A R V reader  about 8 years ago

    Chicken fried rice? lol

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  6. Purple hummer
    Krazgamer  about 8 years ago

    Elvis is in love!!

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  7. April elephant 2010
    Sabrina17  about 8 years ago

    I love the crossed ears on Elvis.Chicken fried rice, that explains a lot.

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    More_Cats_Than_Sense  about 8 years ago

    The dialogue: – “Sugar and spice and Chicken Fried Rice”, and “Why would I want to see – …..the new…. ….baby”. just classic, coupled with all of the expressions, makes this a fantastic strip. All of Georgia’s BCN strips are good, but this is one of the best :-)

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    Clearstream  about 8 years ago

    Elvis’s facial expression in that one panel is great. I CAN’T WAIT FOR TOMORROW I LOVE THESE RERUNS

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    ladykat Premium Member about 8 years ago

    I love Elvis’ expression in the second to last panel!

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    Queen of America Premium Member about 8 years ago

    We still get idiots who turn their cats in at the shelter because “we have a new baby”. (by the way, what is a “new” baby as opposed to an “old” baby?

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    Brein43  about 8 years ago

    Yes, Queen of America, that is so true. Georgia even has a little strip about that, an episode done shortly after the first baby was born. I think it is something like “slander is heard in the live room” I love this strip, the outrage from Elvis, followed shortly by absolute devotion. This one is special.

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  13. Chai
    Perkycat  about 8 years ago

    This is so sweet – full of sugar and spice and everything nice!

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    metagalaxy1970  about 8 years ago

    my mother told me that when I was a baby, Tiger would be in my crib with me. Apparently, I would reach out and try to grab her tail. And when I did, she would gently take her tail back and the game would begin again. And would do this until I fell asleep. She then curled up next to me and slept with me. When I tell people I grew up with cats, I’m not kidding. I understand them better than most.

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  15. Rocketman a
    Ed Brault Premium Member about 8 years ago

    The late Queen Beatrice would let very young children subject her to an amazing level of “baby abuse” (pulled tail, unauthorized pokes, back-scruffing) but as soon as they hit age 4, WATCH OUT!

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  16. Weemee spaceship
    Jody L Nye Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Instant love!

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  17. Imagescatizwds
    bonita.eley  about 8 years ago

    Oh Elvis – I knew there was a hero in you!!

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