Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for December 07, 2016
Lupin: The Woman keeps getting up off the couch. Over to you, Puck. Puck: Lupin, I'm live where the Woman is about to get up again. And it is driving Elvis berserk. Lupin: Where are you going now?! Woman: Elvis, stay here. I'll be right back. Elvis: No. No, no- Let me just scout the kitchen first. Ok. It's safe. Woman: Oh, darn it! I forgot the spoon! Elvis, STAY! Elvis: Never. Let's roll.
RH3 about 8 years ago
The things a guard cat has to do.
Why can’t she stay where Elvis knows she’s safe?
Lady Bri about 8 years ago
Bless! Elvis is taking good care of the Woman. :-)
jlmjdm60 about 8 years ago
Because she forgot the spoon!! She can’t eat with her fingers, unlike Elvis with his claws!
SunflowerGirl100 about 8 years ago
To a guard cat, there is no safe place. True, they only left the kitchen one minute ago, but think of all the monsters that could have invaded in that minute! Elvis has to take the point and check it out. Poor, loyal Elvis.
SunflowerGirl100 about 8 years ago
Off Topic: A request from Georgia on Twitter. "I met the gentleman who has been pitching Breaking Cat News to newspapers out here! We met for cocoa to discuss how it has been going, and he was a very kind, great guy. I’m not allowed to say too much on this yet, but he did tell me that your letters have been helping! He told me that so many times newspaper editors only get angry letters when people want to complain. When they suddenly have friendly letters coming in to tell them about something people enjoy (like a new comic they’d like to see in their newspaper!) it can really grab their attention!
Thank you so much for the letters you have been writing! If you haven’t yet, there is still time! Contact your local paper and let them know you’d love to open up their pages and see Breaking Cat News"Resume Topic.
Starman1948 about 8 years ago
Good morning my friends. I have posted comments on Annie. Have a great day.
bookworm0812 about 8 years ago
Ummm…..are they mixing up all these comics or something? I thought she had the baby already.
dogday Premium Member about 8 years ago
“Stay!” To a cat! OH, Georgia, you slay me!
smorbie the great and beautiful about 8 years ago
I love his little robe.
I have a kitty who has to scout for me too.
Rosemary Williams about 8 years ago
I have what I thought was the first book format for BCN, but note the ad to the right for a BCN “First Book” for May 10, no year stated. Is that a republication of the existing book, a different book, or just an outdated ad? I love BCN and would not want to miss a new publication.
Jayneknox about 8 years ago
I misread “spoon” as “Spam,” and thought "Ice cream and Spam? Now there’s an odd craving!
jlmjdm60 about 8 years ago
There are NO odd cravings when you are pregnant, just ask my wife!