Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for September 25, 2010
Petey: There you go, an heroic shoebox diorama of Alice feeding a doggie treat to Big Shirley - signed, sealed and delivered! Alice: Let me see! Petey's It's magnificent! You've captured the moment perfectly! Except you need to make my hair wavier. Petey: Sorry, once I've signed my work, client-imposed alterations are out of the question.
margueritem over 14 years ago
Stand your ground, Petey. Excellent work, BTW.
leakysqueaky712 over 14 years ago
Spoken like a true artist.
uhohkid over 14 years ago
Good thing I’m reading this at 1:37 in the morning, otherwise the milk from my cereal would have shot out my nose. Great job as always Richard!
MisterFweem over 14 years ago
Sisyphos over 14 years ago
Petey sounds like a real diorama-pro. Alice, don’t look a gift diorama in the hair [or something like that]!
chaosandcake over 14 years ago
You tell her, Petey.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
But that’s not how it happened.
cdward over 14 years ago
It’s the heroic version - Petey says so himself. Like all the “greats” of history, it’s all in the telling.
merbrat over 14 years ago
“Lie o’ drama” ;o)
WaitingMan over 14 years ago
No one will take his art seriously until he signs his name “Peter”.
Steve Parmelee Premium Member over 14 years ago
You’re right. “Petey the Great” really doesn’t have much of a ring to it, does it?
joefish25 over 14 years ago
Another excellent one!
cleokaya over 14 years ago
In reality the smile was absent from Alice’s face.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 14 years ago
Petey is quite good at those dioramas, isn’t he though?!
LouW over 14 years ago
Where do all these shoeboxes that Petey use come from? Is Mom Imelda Marcos or something?
Ermine Notyours over 14 years ago
You can see the treat if you look closely. Either that, or Alice has a bandage on her finger.
lazygrazer over 14 years ago
What I find amazing is Petey is every bit as good of an artist as Richard Thompson is.
Me_Again over 14 years ago
Yay, Petey! (And of course, Alice!)
myhaircut over 14 years ago
That family must go through a LOT of shoes.
segullah over 14 years ago
Petey has a line on empty shoe boxes. He has his regular stores he visits to relieve them of extras (ones customers don’t want to take with them).
Love the diorama Petey! How to help Alice visualize what CAN happen instead of what she fears will happen.
deadheadzan over 14 years ago
Cheers for Richard and this wonderful comic!
trekkermint over 14 years ago
love it - shirley reminds me of my old chow pooka only dog who would literally faint at the sight of a hairbrush
comics4brown over 14 years ago
Alice you shouldn’t complain about the finished product – keep it because when Petey is famous for his “shoe-box diorama art” you’ll be able to not only say you own one, but it was one you commissioned! Think of the big bucks$$$$$$ you’ll have then!
bergamot over 14 years ago
He’s such a good brother .
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 14 years ago
@LouW ROFLMAO!!!! First off, that was funny, second off, you must be as old as me to remember her!!!!
@ArthurAllen Thanks! You can see the treat!! LOL!
vldazzle over 14 years ago
Love the heroic depiction- and Alice needs to SEE her hair. Also- Imelda Marcos is legendary to many generations for her shoes.
Me_Again over 14 years ago
Is it embarrassing that I don’t know who Imelda Marcos is? Who is she, anyway?