Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for September 16, 2016
Chagrin Falls "Life Under President Trump" Girl: Morning, Mom, Im late for Trump School, Inc. Mom: We got an email from your brother. Its his first since he was drafted. Girl: Hows cap doing? Dad: He says The- war- to- avenge- the- mean- tweet- that- hurt- President- Trump's- feelings is going well. Girl: Bye, Mrs. Gonzalez. Heres breakfast. Have a good day, Penelope. From all of us!SHH! I saw the deportation Forces van across the street! Boy: What did you get for question 4 on the Trump Science, Inc, homework? Girl: Um, "global Warming is a hoax because Mr. Trump once put on a sweater in March" Girl: See you inside Amed, Good luck on your Daily Loyalty Test for muslims. Thanks They're getting trickier. Muslim Entrance Everyone please stand for the pledge of allegiance. Black boy: I refuse, Mrs. Shades Im exercising my First amendment right to protest. Teacher: Very well, Anthony. Security, we have a 'delivery for the basket of deplorables." teacher and Students: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United states of Trump, and to the Russian Republic under which its stands..." Wait! I canceled my mind! I meant Second Amendment! Im a second amendment person! the end
King_Shark over 8 years ago
2003, Ripupthepublicans: “Iraq did 9/11!”2016, Daymockrats: “Russia controls Trump!”Amerikastani lies remain Amerikastani lies no matter which gang or its paid puppet spouts them.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 8 years ago
I think it will be worse than that. Republicans all admire Putin and want an 82% approval rating, wink wink!
Radish... over 8 years ago
Democrat freedom or republican fascism, your choice.
Funny_Ha_Ha over 8 years ago
A rich man is nothing but a poor man with money.
Linguist over 8 years ago
This would be mildly amusing satire, if it weren’t too frighteningly close to the truth.
I fear that the gullibility of a certain percentage of people who actually believe the ever-shifting bs and snake oil, that this sociopathic narcissist is peddling, will combine with the deplorables ( read bigots, racists, homophobes, etc.) and the sector of anti-cons and people who are petrified of and share a deep-seated, irrational,hatred of Hillary Clinton.
That combination folks, is going to get Donald Trump elected !
If they rest of the voting public doesn’t get off it’s collective a$$, shake off their ennui and complacency, and go to the polls in November, they are going to be saluting President Trump in January.
Don’t think it’s impossible ! He got this far with his flim-flam and braggadocio. There’s a sucker born every minute !
Malcolm Hall over 8 years ago
I can see that Trump would award government contracts to his own companies and it wouldn’t bother him — or his supporters — a bit. As long as Hillary isn’t in the White House.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 8 years ago
Funny exaggeration.
braindead Premium Member over 8 years ago
Putin America first!
dfischer348 Premium Member over 8 years ago
We are heading for " the Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment" …
hcarpenter1 over 8 years ago
hey Ruben leave the political crap out of here.
jpozenel over 8 years ago
I’m beginning to understand why he’s doing better in the polls now.
mgrossberg over 8 years ago
A rich man is nothing except a man who took a poor man’s money!
Jib76 over 8 years ago
That unwitting Russian agent, mentally ill, maroon Trump!
Jib76 over 8 years ago
It is so said that the greatest country in the world will be turned into a Nazi dictatorship!
TheWildSow over 6 years ago
Time to bring this one forward! Ruben, you are a PROPHET I tell you! A prophet! Hey, are you really Percival Dunwoody? Where’s your Time Machine??
Eagles fan (A.S.A) almost 4 years ago
It actually wasn’t like this at all you idiot cartoonist.